Why Cybersecurity is Essential For Your Remote Company

Why Cybersecurity is Essential For Your Remote Company

You might not think about it, but your remote employees are at risk for cyberattacks. Remote work is rising, with more than 40% of American workers saying they’d be open to a remote work arrangement. And as companies like Amazon prove, it can be a great way to increase employee productivity, collaboration, and flexibility. But there are also risks associated with remote work that you may not be aware of—and that can cost you a lot if they aren’t appropriately managed. Here’s why cybersecurity is essential for your small company:


It Can Save Your Company Money


If you’re not already, you should invest in a cybersecurity program for your business. A cybersecurity program will provide your business with advanced tools and resources for training staff and promoting safe technology usage.


In addition to increased protection, cybersecurity programs will also decrease system downtime. Malware can cause websites to shut down or even go offline, so you should consider investing in cybersecurity software for your business. And as the number of online threats increases, so does the cost of avoiding a cyber breach.


A security plan will vary in cost and sophistication, so determine how much your business needs before purchasing it. If you spend too much or even less, you’ll be vulnerable to various cyber threats.


To determine what kind of cybersecurity plan your business needs, consult with a cybersecurity consultant or IT professional. Implementing cybersecurity measures is not always cheap, but it will add value to your business.


It is A Necessity in Today’s Business Landscape


Businesses must invest in cyber security because a breach in security can cost an organization millions of dollars. Typically, a cybersecurity incident costs an organization about $1 million in damages, including loss of revenue and operational downtime.


Cyberattacks are becoming suaver, and the need for a robust security program has become a top priority for business owners. However, despite this need, many organizations lack the resources to protect themselves against cybersecurity threats adequately.


The digital ecosystem is constantly evolving, and companies must continually adapt to stay ahead of new threats. In some cases, businesses may compromise cybersecurity to maintain frictionless customer interactions.


For example, a blanket lockout of nonhuman identities puts security inside the castle but allows opportunities outside the moat. Cybercriminals thrive in such environments. Besides, complete lockout requires exceptions, which creates vulnerabilities. Because of this, modern cybersecurity systems must be adaptable and risk-based.


You Can Focus on Your Core Business and Not Worry about Security


Providing cybersecurity for your remote company can help you focus on what matters most—your core business. You can stop worrying about whether or not your data is safe and start focusing on growing your business and providing high-quality products and services to your clients.


Plus, when you give your employees the tools they need to be productive and keep their information safe, you’ll see increased productivity. Your employees will be able to spend more time doing what they love (and less time worrying about protecting it).


Give You More Control Over Your Data and Network


The first thing that you should know about providing cybersecurity for your remote company is that it will help you have better control over your data and network. It can be hard to track who’s accessing what when you’re working remotely.


There’s a lot of information floating around in the cloud, and it’s easy for someone to accidentally leave a file or folder open that shouldn’t be accessible to everyone. The advent of remote workers has put the onus of cybersecurity responsibilities on managed IT services for San Antonio and Austin.


If you’re using the right tools, you can set up rules within your system that will automatically lock down any files or folders accessed by people who don’t have a right to view them. This will help protect you against anyone who might want to steal or copy your company’s proprietary information.


Suppose someone hacks into your company’s system or gets access to sensitive information like credit card numbers or social security numbers. There could be severe consequences for both your business and your clients/customers (especially if they end up losing money).


But when you’re working with an external partner who specializes in providing cybersecurity services, then they should be able to prevent any malicious activity from happening in the first place! There won’t be any need for expensive lawsuits because someone hacked into something important in your database.


Improves Employee Productivity


Remote workers aren’t just more convenient—they’re also more secure. While it may be tempting to hire someone locally or base an office in one location, having employees worldwide means you have a much greater chance of finding talent where you need it most.


A recent survey by Cyber Security Magazine of remote employees shows that nearly half of them believe cybersecurity is essential to the success of their work. That finding may be surprising, but remote employees are still vulnerable to cybersecurity risks.


Fortunately, there are several ways to mitigate risk and ensure a positive work environment. Here are some tips to keep in mind. First, make sure all employees receive ongoing cybersecurity training. Second, ensure employees follow clear protocols for IT support and crisis management.


Cybersecurity is essential because it makes sure that your company’s data is safe from hackers and other potential threats, whether those threats come from inside or outside the company itself.


By ensuring that all communications between employees are encrypted and not accessible by anyone outside of those who need access (such as clients), there’s less chance of any sensitive information getting into the wrong hands.


Your Company Will Be More Competitive Than Ever Before


When trying to keep your remote company running smoothly, you can’t afford to spend much money on security measures. But with the right technology and the right vendors, you can provide your employees with the best protection without breaking the bank.


With so many threats out there, every company must have an effective strategy for keeping its data safe from hackers and other threats. By investing in cybersecurity for your remote company, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the curve and make sure that everyone else knows that yours is one business they don’t want to mess with.




If you run a remote company, you should make cybersecurity a priority. Hackers can still get through and cause severe damage even if you’re well-protected from outside threats. Ensure you have the tools you need to protect your business against online attacks—and the means to recover quickly if an attack happens anyway.


Author Bio


Hannah Boothe is a freelance writer native to Northern California who spends her free time developing herself. Hannah enjoys the outdoors, she goes hiking whenever the weather permits and enjoys practicing yoga. She carves out time to journal and read whenever she can. She loves adventure and connecting with those around her. Hannah recently moved to Texas, where she counts on managed IT services for San Antonio and Austin to make sure that she has the proper cyber security.