What You Need to Know Before Making a Home Out of a Shipping Container

What You Need to Know Before Making a Home Out of a Shipping Container

Shipping containers can be used to construct new workstations and homes. With recycling being a top priority for many countries, governments have found new and creative ways to construct homes and workplaces.


However, building a home out of a shipping container is not easy. There are many pitfalls that should be avoided. Using shoddy materials and employing people with poor engineering and construction skills can cause serious problems down the road.


Here, we will provide you with what you need to know before constructing a shipping home container.


What is the significance of using the apt size shipping container?


The most common mistake that newcomers make when trying to make a home out of a shipping container is buying one that is too big or too small. Standard shipping containers are eight feet six inches in height.


High cube containers, on the other hand, are nine feet six inches high. If you want to insulate the ceiling of your new home without sacrificing any headroom in the process then you should buy a high cube container.


Should you check the condition of the container before buying?


The state of the container is also something to pay very close attention to. Most containers have gone through a lot due to their frequent use and exposure to harsh elements. Rust and corrosion are the norm.


Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of buying their shipping container over the phone or online. You should evaluate the condition of the container in person before deciding if it is worth purchasing.


How do you get knowledge about the local planning regulations and building codes?


You should contact your local building division, public works office and zoning office on a regular basis to stay up to date on local planning regulations and building codes. Depending on where you live, you may also need to stay in touch with other relevant material authorities. Once you have been given the go-ahead you can start turning your shipping container into a liveable home.


What are the things to be considered when choosing insulation?


When you are thinking about insulation you should consider how the materials will be impacted by the local climate. For example, a seamless vapour barrier is a must if your new shipping container home will be installed in an area of frequent, heavy rainfall.


Conversely, if you live in a warm, dry area, a seamless vapour barrier would be a poor choice, as the insulation chosen should help keep your home cool.


What is the role of a builder in converting a container into a home?


Another common mistake that occurs while constructing homes from shipping containers is that the person hires the wrong contracting team. Some people prefer to build their homes themselves, while others would prefer to leave it to the experts. If you decide to work with a contractor ensure that they are licensed, bonded and have a proven track record of success.


Shipping container homes are growing in popularity because they are affordable, easy and quick to build, environmentally friendly and very durable.


Author Bio:


Devon Graham is a blogger in Toronto. He graduated with honours from the University of British Columbia with a dual degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing. Devon Graham is a community manager for small businesses across Canada. He also likes to research various topics related to pets, food, storage solutions, home improvement and business solutions.