What To Do If You See a Scorpion in Your Home

Just mentioning their name is enough to make most people’s skin crawl, but for many homeowners in the southern United States, scorpions are a common thing. That doesn’t make the encounter less unpleasant, but it does mean that there are some things they need to keep in mind in case of a run-in with these creepy crawlies.
What attracts scorpions into the home?
In order for you to understand how you can stave off scorpions and prevent these pests from infesting your home and posing a risk to your family and pets, you want to identify what exactly attracts these crawly critters into the home in the first place.
Scorpions are naturally burrowing creatures, so they look for dark places where they can easily access loose soil or ground and where they can hide during daytime. An ideal shelter for them is also the one with an abundance of moisture, so older structures and damp places that lack light (e.g. basements and attics) are especially convenient for scorpions. Scorpions feed on everything from roaches and spiders to ants and centipedes, so eliminating any crumbs and spills around the house is essential as it will deter these small critters and, in turn, make your home less inviting to scorpions.
Where do scorpions hide inside homes?
Scorpions love dark and damp basements, but they can also hide in different areas around the home. Usually, these will be isolated, quiet, and undisturbed areas.
These include spaces behind the cabinets, under the beds, behind the curtains, as well as any empty spaces that aren’t used often (e.g. spare rooms). You should also check the corners of the garage, laundry room, as well as piles of woods or rocks kept near the house.
How do scorpions enter homes?
Cracks on windows or doors are ideal entry points for scorpions, but they are not the only ones. Oftentimes, scorpions will use phone or electric lines to get inside the house.
They also tend to rely on vents that are connected as well as drainage pipes to enter homes. To prevent scorpions from entering, make sure all the cracks and splits are sealed properly and consider investing in mesh seal for drainage openings – just to be on the safe side.
Signs that you have scorpions in your home
If you’re worried that your abode has become a home to scorpions, it pays to learn about the signs of scorpions being present. These include:
- Living in a warm climate – scorpions prefer warm and dark places where they can hide
- Citrus trees inside home – these attract venomous species such as the Arizona Bark Scorpion
- Ample shade in backyard or garden
- A rise in the number of smaller insects inside the home – scorpions prey on smaller insects
What to do if you spot a scorpion in your home?
If you happen to spot one or two scorpions inside your home, chances are, you’re dealing with a bigger problem. Scorpions are very territorial creatures, meaning if they manage to find a place that provides ideal conditions, they will most likely come back. This means they’re harder to drive away, and a scorpion infestation calls for exterminators. Recognizing scorpions is, according to scorpion pest control in Arizona, essential for learning if you’re dealing with a scorpion infestation on your hands. Calling in the professionals who are skilled in recognizing and controlling scorpion infestations will help you act immediately so that your property is scorpion-free as soon as possible.
Synthetic pesticide dust, insecticides for scorpions, and burlap traps are common DIY pest control solutions, but relying on the pros is your safest bet for eliminating your pest problem for good.
What to do if you or your family members get stung
Generally speaking, scorpions are not aggressive and will only attack and sting humans and other species when provoked. This is why you should never use your bare hands to try and catch a scorpion. Depending on how threatened they feel at the moment of the attack, scorpions can release an amount of venom they feel is needed. While not all scorpions are venomous, they’re still seen as a threat.
Unless the symptoms are severe or the scorpion species is venomous, scorpion stings don’t need medical treatment. In case of severe symptoms or an infant getting stung, however, medical care is imperative. Severe symptoms include:
- Irregular or accelerated heartbeat
- Low or high blood pressure
- Muscle twitching
- Vomiting
- Sweating
- Blurred vision
- Drooling
- Difficulties swallowing
- Seizures
Wrapping up
Learning that scorpions have taken up your residence is a stressful experience. Thankfully, there are ways to deal with these creepy critters in a safe and effective way, and keeping these things in mind will prepare you for the potential encounter with these nasty pests.