What Symptoms Can Be Observed In Males Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction?

What Symptoms Can Be Observed In Males Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the incapability of a male to achieve sufficient erection necessary for sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is also known as ED, which can have a significant impact on a person’s physical and psychological health. The quality of life for both the sufferer and his partner is effected due to such medical issues. Some of the drug companies such as Oz Meds Online have introduced medication to help the males suffering from it. But first, you need to understand the root of the problem before rushing to a solution.


People at Most Risk:


Penis erection is a very complex phenomenon but it involves exclusive coordination between neurological, vascular and tissue compartment. In common language, your penis has a rush of blood flow which forces stiffness or dilation of the muscles. Therefore people who are suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, depression, and other physical and mental health problem is at a higher risk of erectile dysfunction. This problem with erection mostly affects people of older age but now even younger ones are not even saved.


Reluctant To Admit:


Most of the men believe that these ED symptoms are transitional and they would fade away with time. However, the case is opposite to it they are much more persistent then you could imagine. This issue could cause a lot of distress and frustration if not treated properly. Most of the men tend to hide and don’t discuss it with the right person. They just went on their own to get Levitra 20mg tablets considering it the only medical solution. But it is important for you to consult with a sexologist about your problem before taking any medication. As the reason behind erectile dysfunction varies from person to person. So, your problem might be psychological rather than physical and only an expert could help you identify the root cause.


Common Symptoms of ED:


One thing you need to understand is that symptoms of erectile dysfunction differ from case to case. Some males are able to achieve a certain level of erection for a short period of time. However, some men might exhibit a complete inability to have any kind of erection. Some of the symptoms which are a clear sign that you are suffering from erectile dysfunction are discussed ahead.


  • The most obvious one is that you fail to have an erection under any circumstance.


  • Not being able to hold the erection for a sustainable period of time.


  • Facing some form of occasional inability to have an erection.


  • Experiencing premature ejaculation. Which means that you have orgasm way too quickly without any control over it.


  • Any kind of issue with ejaculation such as delayed ejaculation or the inability of ejaculation is a symptom of ED.


  • Felling the low sexual drive due to the reduced libido.


  • If you have a low sexual drive then you might also have a low level of the testosterone hormone.


  • Suffering from anorgasmia, which is a condition where a person doesn’t feel aroused event after sufficient stimulation.