What Does an IT Consulting Company Do?

Many people often use the words IT and software interchangeably. However, IT consulting firms are very different to software companies in New York and elsewhere. Clearly they often have to work together and they are aware of each other’s technologies but overall, they deliver very different services.
Whether you’re dealing with IT or software, though, consulting is a universal term. Consultants don’t just offer technical expertise but they also provide guidance and feedback on business strategy. In fact, they can be very powerful partners especially as they have a neutral outsider view whilst still having a vested interest in the success of your business.
The Main Focus of IT Consulting Companies and how that Differs to Software Companies in New York
Essentially, IT companies oversee all the technical devices that store, retrieve and send information. On the other hand, software companies in New York and elsewhere are responsible for developing and distributing technology. In terms of IT consulting companies, you can expect them to cover the following areas:
- Digital Operations
- Infrastructure
- Business and IT Integration
- Cyber security and Compliance
Digital Operations
IT consulting companies ensure that all your software and hardware is functioning properly and at its optimal design. On the other hand, software companies in New York are only really interested in your digital programming. Technical support is also an important aspect of an IT consulting company’s services.
It’s worth noting that software companies in New York and elsewhere have to work with the IT consulting team when implementing any new solutions. It’s important that the hardware supports the implementation plan and that any maintenance strategy is agreed between both teams. At the end of the day, it’s the IT team who will be responsible for the long-term management of the software solution.
It’s not just the physical components that need to function properly but also the software and network parts. Data links need to be accurate and effective for all the different hardware points to function properly. Today, we talk about cloud services to host IT infrastructure but that also comes with different challenges.
An IT consulting company has a vital role to play in infrastructure management. Internet connectivity, firewall implementation and data management all form part of this. On the flip side, software companies in New York will assume everything is in place and secure to support their digital implementation plan.
Business and IT Integration
It goes without saying that any IT hardware and software is needed to support the business. There is no point in putting in ‘nice to haves’ that only slow down the system and add very little value. IT consulting companies therefore don’t just offer products but they also provide guidance and advice as to how these products can support your business strategy.
In general, IT strategy covers all aspects of the business. Obvious examples of this include customer and vendor management as well as cost management and scorecard tracking. Other examples include employee journey experience, sales forecasting and customer service improvements. However, this area is often one where IT consulting companies might partner with software companies in New York or elsewhere.
Cyber Security and Compliance
As soon as you think of information and data then privacy and security usually also spring to mind. Every business has confidential information to handle as well as hacking threats to deal with. This is where IT consultants can bring huge value.
Cybercrime doesn’t just involve lost data but also lost money and productivity. In fact, Cybersecurity Ventures, a leading researcher, has predicted that 2021 will cost us over $6 trillion in cybercrime every year globally. That’s twice the cost of 2015. IT consulting companies are therefore key allies in protecting supply chains, cloud solutions, social platforms and of course, data. Part of this work is ensuring that the businesses they manage have the right policies in place. Therefore, IT consultants play a key role when ensuring passwords and other risk management processes are followed and businesses are compliant.
Parting Words on what IT Consulting Companies Do
IT is all about managing information and the risks involved with security and privacy. IT consulting companies might partner with software companies in New York or elsewhere but essentially, they are responsible for ensuring that the infrastructure works properly. In addition, they’ll support you with the right policies to make sure that you’re compliant. This also ensures that you’re managing your cyber risk in the best way possible for your business.
You can’t have software solutions without IT hardware and network connections and in reality, you need to make sure that everything is fully integrated. That way, you have a system that is both optimized and flexible for your future growth. A great IT consulting partner is there for you every step of the way for your upgrades, maintenance requirements and data management. You can then focus, with peace of mind, on strategy and driving value for your customers.