What are the Best Places in Your House to Hide Your Valuables?

When you have valuables that you want to keep safe from theft, there are a number of ways that you can do so. Be it money, jewellery, or any other stuff that you adore, you need to keep it somewhere safe that is either hidden from sight or attacks no attention. In this article, we are going to describe some places which are considered perfect for hiding your valuable staff.
One of the easiest ways to hide your valuables is in an empty book. This is a method that has been for centuries and it works! All you need to do is buy yourself one of those hollowed-out books and then hide your valuables inside of it. The book may look boring but trust us: no one will ever bother reading through all those pages!
However, there are other ways to protect your valuables from theft!
The Shampoo Bottle
The shampoo bottle is a well-known hiding spot for valuables. It’s small, portable, and easy to put into a drawer or cabinet. The only downside is that it can easily be displaced by other things in your house—but for those who have little experience living with others, this can be an advantage. If you live alone or with one other person (husband/wife), there’s no reason why they’d need to move your shampoo bottle if they’re looking for something else! Just remember: use bottles with pumps rather than push-up tops; the latter are too easy to snoop through if someone wants to get into them.
In Your Freezer
- Place the item in a freezer bag. Make sure it’s tightly sealed and that there isn’t any air inside the bag.
- Put the container in your freezer, making sure it is sealed shut.
- Consider putting any food you might have stored in this container at risk of freezing or melting—it’s best to find another option if you need to keep food fresh for long periods of time, but if not, this method will work just fine.
In your underwear drawer
There’s a reason people always say “don’t leave cash in your wallet.” It’s because if someone is going through your things and finds cash, they might assume you have more cash somewhere else in the house. Why not make it easy on yourself? Put it in an old pair of underwear and tuck it away in the back of a drawer. It’ll be safe there!
In a safe deposit box at your bank
This is perhaps the best option if you have something extremely valuable that needs protecting, such as jewelry or high-end electronics (some banks will even let customers rent out their safe deposit boxes). But be aware that some banks charge fees for this service — so it might not be worth it if all you have is some cash and small electronics like phones and laptops.
When you don’t feel safe, change the locks
If you have reason to believe that a friend or family member may have been inside your home and is capable of committing burglary, changing the locks is an effective way to protect yourself. By changing the locks from time to time, you will be one step ahead of thieves and secure your property in the best possible way. Find a trusted local locksmith who will always be there for you.
Stash your valuables in a fake electrical box
If you have a lot of stuff to hide, this is the best option. You can find these at home improvement stores, and they’re not expensive. They come with a large number of screws and bolts so you can make it look like it’s an actual electrical box.
The only problem with this method is that if someone breaks into your home, they’ll probably take everything in sight — including the fake box. The good news is that some of these are very convincing and even have visible wires coming out of them. So, it may be enough to scare away potential thieves.
Put cash in a safe
If you have a lot of money lying around, it’s an obvious target for thieves. Keep it in an old-fashioned safe or lockbox with combination locks or keypad entry systems. (You can also use a biometric fingerprint scanner.) You can even set up multiple combinations so that only certain people know how to get into the safe — this way, if someone breaks into your house, anything inside will still be safe and sound.
Hide jewelry in drawers or cabinets
Thieves won’t look everywhere for valuables — but they will look everywhere for jewelry and other small trinkets that might be easy to sell on the black market. Hide them in drawers or cabinets where no one would think to look for them — under the mattress is an especially popular spot for this type of thing! If you think it’s not enough just to put jewelry under the mattress, you can sew it inside, so that it can be seen at first glance.
In an old pair of sneakers
If you have an old pair of sneakers that no longer fit, cut open the toes and shove something valuable inside them. Then put them in your closet or under your bed until you need them again — maybe when you’re moving out or getting ready for a big trip overseas. Hide your valuables and change the place of storage from time to time.
Author bio:
Tim Tylor is a former teacher and a current writer. He writes on a variety of subjects, including home improvement, travel, lifestyle, and health. Tim gathered the information presented above after consulting several experienced locksmiths in Sydney.