Weighted Blankets & Sleep

Weighted Blankets & Sleep

You may have read elsewhere about weighted blankets and how they can help if you have problems sleeping. There is plenty of research into the subject that confirms this, but how do they help? The weighted blanket is just that – a blanket into which small pellets of plastic, glass or other materials are inserted to add weight – but there is sound scientific thinking behind how the process works. Let’s have a look at the effects of a weighted blanket in some detail, and explain what they can do.


How a Weighted Blanket Works


A weighted blanket is designed to provide an all over sensation of being pushed lightly down into the bed. This has a grounding effect for many people. Just as a baby loves to be swaddled, so adults find a hug to be comforting. The added weight of the blanket replicates a hug in many ways, and provides a cocoon effect that is extremely comforting.


If you do not sleep well, you may also suffer from other health problems. Furthermore, poor sleep can come about as a result of stress, or anxiety, and weighted blankets can help alleviate these problems. For your peace of mind be aware that you can buy eco-friendly weighted blankets at sensible prices, too. Now that we have the basics, what more is there to know about weighted blankets?


Weighted Blankets and DPS


Deep Pressure Stimulation – DPS, and otherwise known as deep pressure touch or a variation of such – is an often-used therapy for people with stress and anxiety problems. It involved applying pressure to the body – akin to a hug, once again – which has certain effects. When DPS is performed, the nervous system begins to produce hormones within the body that are the happy and calming ones, thus alleviating the stress.


A weighted blanket has the same effect as it provides all-over DPS when you are in bed. You will be aware of the weight of the blanket, but not too much, and this in itself is enough to stimulate the hormones needed for relaxation. The result is that whereas before you were too stressed, anxious or awake to sleep, you will begin to feel altogether more calm, and therefore more able to settle and get to sleep.


Research has shown that the grounding effect provided by a weighted blanket can also help people with ADHD and autism. This is due to the comforting element of the weight, which will generally be a little more that 10% of your body weight. The idea is simple, yet effective, and it is notable that weighted blankets are becoming more popular all the time.


If you have sleep problems, suffer from anxiety and stress or have a family member to whom any of this applies, why not find out more about weighted blankets and what they can do for you? They are not expensive and are very comfortable, and you will be able to find one of the correct weight for you, so try it now and sleep well.