Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Level

Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Level

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and an essential anabolic steroid. This hormone is primarily produced in testicles in men. It is also produced in the ovaries and adrenal cortex.


It helps promote secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscles and bone mass, body hair growth, especially facial and pubic hair, and deepening of voice during teenage. It is also vital in stabilizing mood and providing a required amount of energy, i.e., whenever needed and whatever amount needed. It plays a significant role in maintaining RBC (red blood cells).


Men with low T level (Testosterone level) have erectile dysfunction, low libido, depressed mood, osteoporosis, sleeping problems, and decreased physical performance.


Now, the big question: how do you increase your testosterone naturally? Okay, but wait! Don’t just jump into any routine first.


Evaluate Your Medical State


First, it’s essential to ensure that your low testosterone is not due to any medical disorder. Some causes of low testosterone are medical conditions and can be evaluated and treated by a physician. If your low testosterone is due to one of these medical problems, you will not naturally increase your testosterone level to normal until the problem is treated.


What are some medical causes of testosterone? Testosterone is controlled by the combination of the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, and the testicles. Any problem in any of these glands may lead to a low T level. Chronic illness, radiation treatment, chemotherapy, and medications can all lower your T levels as well.


Body Fat and Testosterone


A recent paper shows that the total testosterone level increased by 17% in sedentary 60 to 70-year-old men who lost the pounds. That’s a fantastic gain!


Let’s take a look at the relationship between body fat and testosterone.


Fat cells in the body turn testosterone into estrogen. By doing so, they don’t only remove the male sex hormone but increase the predominant female hormone. Alternatively, testosterone helps burn fat when needed— not only during strenuous work but also during the day’s regular work, including sleep. That’s how predominant higher levels of fat cells are correlated to lower levels of testosterone and vice versa.


A recent meta-analysis diet associated with weight loss of 9.8 percent of their body weight increased the levels of testosterone  by 84ng/dL, and surgical weight loss such as bariatric surgery increased total testosterone levels on an average by 251ng/dl. A huge gain!


Natural Ways to Increase T Level


What to do next?


After you have been evaluated and you are otherwise healthy, how do you naturally increase your testosterone?


Let’s look at some ways that have been scientifically tested and show how you can do this.


❏  High-intensity interval training


Many studies have evaluated the natural increase of testosterone that happens with exercise. Recent studies have shown that comparing low-intensity training to higher intensity interval training improves T levels significantly more. This training uses resistance and weightlifting.


In one study, the increase was 8% higher T levels after high-intensity interval training versus a 5% increase with low-intensity exercise. The high-intensity activity has also been shown to improve T levelু in all age groups.


❏  Get Better Sleep


We are all told to get better sleep, but it’s hard to do in our modern hectic lifestyles.


Whatever excuse we have, we need to remember that sleep fragmentation and lack of sleep predictably lowers testosterone levels.


❏  Healthier Eating


Overweight men who lose weight on low-fat and low-calorie diets have reportedly improved their erectile dysfunction and testosterone levels.


Some testosterone-boosting vitamins and minerals are zinc, magnesium, vitamin D3, Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex (a combination of 8 types of Vitamin B), and selenium.


Some kinds of multivitamins are also found to help with some of the low testosterone patients. But they must be taken upon doctor’s advice.


In general terms, fruits, meat, vegetables, nuts, and seeds can directly or indirectly optimize your T level.


Some of the natural supplements can help a lot. For example, you can study Tongkat Ali benefits and see how it can increase your T level.


❏  Get Rid of The Belly Fat


You can do it by reducing sugar consumption. Sugar is the ultimate culprit that is responsible for much of our physical complexity. One of them is decreasing our fat burning.


Sugar is the easiest and fastest source of producing energy. If you have plenty of sugar, your body naturally turns to the most accessible source. Due to the same physical tendency, if you create a lack of sugar, your body tries to get used to consuming from its deposits, the fat.


Another evil deed that sugar does is that it increases the production of enzymes that convert testosterone into estrogen.


❏  Increase the quality of your Sleep


Sleep helps digest your food faster and ensures balance in all the thousands of biochemical functions within our body. Thus it plays a vital role in stabilizing your testosterone level.


You ensure the quality of your sleep; it provides your T level— pretty amicable!


❏  Continuing Regular Intercourse


This is where some people fall back. The reality is, when you have regular intercourse, your body gets the steady demand for producing and supplying everything that you need to execute sexual activities. As testosterone is one of the prime requirements during this process, your body has enough of it.


Not All Work: Beware of Most of the Supplements


Yes. Almost all of them are just scams. Many companies will try to sell their pills and powder to you to boost your testosterone. However, laboratory tests and experiments with humans have proved that these herbal supplements have no effects on testosterone at all. They only increase your estrogen level.


Refrain From Opioids


Narcotic medications suppress the luteinizing hormone, which decreases your body’s ability to produce testosterone naturally. Narcotic use is rampant in our society, and testosterone deficiency is high among those who use pain relievers.


Up to 90% of men with chronic pain medication use have low testosterone levels. This is true regardless of pills, injections, or patches. Narcotic use will decrease your T.


So think of stopping these painkillers as another significant step to increase your T levels naturally.


Final Words


It’s almost all in your hand. You are the owner of your body. So, take a careful charge of it.