Ways to Improve Employee Morale

Ways to Improve Employee Morale

Employee morale is central to running an efficient organization. In the past three years, much has changed about the way companies operate, making it necessary to change their attitude toward employees. With COVID-19 and hybrid working models, paying attention to how well employees are performing and the factors affecting their performance can make or break your company.


At its core, employee morale is about how engaged and productive your top talents feel about their work. When high, you’ll see business rolling in and everyone working together like a well-oiled machine.


When it’s low, you’ll see high turnover rates, sick days being used more often, and a general feeling of unhappiness among your employees.


If the latter happens, you must be proactive and take charge. After all, your business depends on it. That’s why we have composed a list of some beneficial and practical tips for you to improve employee morale and well-being in the office. Let’s take a look.


Encourage Employee Development and Growth:


Your company goes through a streamlined recruiting process to bring in the best talent. But what happens after that? Is your job done? Of course not!


You need to work on employee development and growth continuously. Your employees should feel like they are learning new things, building their skills, and progressing in their careers. So, offer opportunities in the form of workshops, online courses, or even simple on-the-job training.


But, be careful!


Redundant training sessions can have the opposite effect and make your employees feel like they are being micromanaged. If that’s where you stand, you can opt for smarter choices by incorporating low-key activities at the end of major meetings or projects. You can also step out of the regular office space and rent an exciting space for the event. It will promote creativity, new perspectives, and bonding! If you’re looking for options, The Executive Centre has various locations and versatile meeting rooms to choose from. Make the most of it!


Keep the Communication Clear and Open:


An organizational structure that promotes communication and collaboration will help keep morale high. If employees feel like they are a part of the decision-making process, they will be more likely to engage and contribute. Start by communicating your expectations and allowing employees to provide feedback. Communicate it all! From the big picture to the daily tasks, keep your employees in the loop, so they feel like a key part of the team.


As an effective leader, you must also check in on your team now and then. Ask them:


  • How’s work going?


  • Do you have the resources you need to do your job well?


  • Is there anything we can do to make your job more enjoyable?


  • What can we do to help you reach your goals?


These simple questions can make a world of difference. It shows that you care about your team and are willing to listen to their suggestions.


Promote a Positive Work-Life Balance:


Burnout is real. It can demotivate even the best employees if they don’t have a healthy work-life balance. No one wants to feel like their social life is hitting rock bottom because work demands too much of their time.


So, how can you promote a healthy work-life balance?


You can encourage your employees to take their vacation days, and don’t make them feel guilty about it! The latter is the key.


Plan company outings or team-building exercises that get employees out of the office and into a fun environment. It could be anything as simple as a picnic in the park or a day of go-karting.


You can also give employees flexible work hours or the option to work from home. And most importantly, don’t forget to show your appreciation. A simple “thank you” is all it takes sometimes.


Make Their Workspace Comfortable:


Your employees are going to spend a good part of their day at work. And with a workspace that feels like a tiring dungeon, it’s no wonder their morale is low. So, step back and look at your office space. Does it need a makeover?


Are the workstations too cramped up? Is the lighting too harsh? Do they have a proper space to rest and take a break in?


These are all factors that can, unknowingly, affect an employee’s mood and productivity. If you’re not sure where to start, there are office design companies that can help you create a comfortable and inspiring workspace for your team. You can also encourage employees to pitch in and personalize their workstations. It’ll make them feel more in control and invested in their environment.


Recognize Their Achievements:


Did your team overdeliver on a project? Did an employee go above and beyond their job description?


Make sure you take the time to recognize their achievements! A simple “good job” or “that was terrific” can be a good starting point. You can also introduce a reward system like bonuses, gift cards, or an extra day off.


Additionally, don’t forget to incentivize your employees. Everyone likes a little extra motivation, and there’s nothing wrong with that, especially when they’re helping you achieve your goals.


You can offer financial incentives, like bonuses or commissions. But you don’t have to break the bank. Non-monetary rewards can be just as effective, if not more.


Some examples include:


  • Paid time off
  • Extra vacation days
  • Gift cards
  • Flexible work hours
  • Company outings


Find out what your employees value most and use that to your advantage. You can learn these details by simply asking them or conducting a company-wide survey.




Employee morale is a driving force behind a company’s success. When it starts losing its sheen, your company’s productivity and profitability are at stake.


Several factors contribute to low employee morale, and it can be difficult to pinpoint the root cause. Economy, company culture, and lack of growth are major factors that play their roles in dipping employee morale. But by taking a closer look at your company culture and policies, you can make changes that will have a positive impact.


No matter what route you choose, make your team a part of the decision-making process. After all, they are the ones who will be affected by these changes.