Try 7 Awesome Packing Tips for a Long Haul Flight with Kids

Flying with children can be one of the most challenging things ever and if the flight happens to be a long one then the difficulty levels double. Several people don’t really have the option of leaving kids with someone while they travel and need to take them along. Many of them frequently ask whether there are any tips for a long haul flight with kids which can prove useful. The major worry most parents have is – what to pack for a long haul flight? Has this ever happened to you as well? Have you ever wondered about what you could pack that would make air travel easier with the kids?
One of the main things parents are worried about when flying with kids is how to keep them occupied on the flight. Whatever the age, traveling with kids can be challenging as different types of kids hold different interests. However, this does not mean that you cannot or should not travel with kids. Here are some awesome packing tips for a long haul flight with kids that you will find useful when you next travel on an airplane with your kids.
Legal documents of your kids
Just like you, your kids will also require passports almost anywhere in the world. This is the single most important thing you must pack first when traveling with kids – be it babies or toddlers. If you’re a single parent, make sure to have a signed copy of the other parent stating you have permission to take the kids along. If your child is adopted, bring along a copy of those important documents as well.
A change of clothes
Whenever you’re packing carry-ons, it’s always a great idea to keep a change of clothes handy. Most kids will need a change at least in one out of two flights. If your children are very young or prone to spilling, it’s a good idea to keep a change of clothes for you as well. If it’s a night flight you’ll be on, then you could carry their pajamas to make it easier for them to sleep in. This is one of the must-do tips that’ll make it seem like routine and the fuss will be much less.
Pack healthy snacks
Kids have great potential to get hungry. A lot. So be prepared for this when you travel with them. Bring along healthy snacks such as raisins, crackers, and cheerios among other things that will keep them busy. Try not to pack juices and fruits as they will most likely be taken away at customs. While Pringles isn’t really a healthy choice as per many, they are among the most time-consuming things for kids to eat. This is why one of the best packing tips for a long haul flight with kids is to bring along snacks.
Equalizer for your child’s ear when landing
Children, especially babies and toddlers, are sensitive to air pressure changes and this can be a very painful thing for them. They are extremely vulnerable to ear pain and sometimes it can be so severe that there may even be chances of their eardrums splitting. To avoid this when flying with kids, carry earplugs, gums or lollipops for older kids. For babies, giving them a bottle of formula or milk during landing will help with the changes in the air pressure as the flight makes its way down.
First aid kit
Band-Aids, children’s Tylenol, hand sanitizer, antibacterial cream, baby wipes, barf bags and lip balm are just some of the many small but necessary things you should always make a point to carry when traveling with kids. Whether you’re traveling with a 4 year old or kids that are much older, there an always be the risk of an unforeseen injury or accident. Thereby, a first aid kit is a vital part of our great packing tips for a long haul flight with kids.
Toys, storybooks or coloring books
For kids that are very young, you can pack a few small toys that’ll keep them occupied on the flight. Take them out one by one so the entertainment lasts longer. For slightly older kids who love reading, carry some of their favorite storybooks or get a new one they haven’t read yet. Bring along coloring books as well for kids who love coloring. Of course, you’ll need to supervise and make sure they don’t color or draw all over the backs of the airplane seats.
Electronic devices
One of the best packing tips for a long haul flight with kids is to bring along your laptop, tablet, or a gaming device that will keep them occupied. It’s better not to depend on in-flight entertainment as it isn’t always in top shape. However, it is recommended that letting your kids use electronic entertainment be used as a last choice as constant use may potentially affect their sight. So the next time you book cheap flights with Indian Eagle for a vacation with your kids make sure to try packing electronic devices along as well.
Author Bio: Laxman is an avid traveler who loves spending time amidst Mother Earth. He also likes travel stories and has made many friends touring different places.