Treating Sleep Apnea: The Benefits of Sleeping Undisturbed

In today’s world, the theme being pushed is making money daily through hustling and grinding. People forget to mention how important it is to get proper sleep consistently. Sleep is when our body recharges lost energy, heals, and rests or relaxes our muscles and organs. Your sleep must be continuous and undisturbed to get the most from this rejuvenating process.
If your sleep is constantly bothered by breathing obstruction caused within your body, chances are you have sleep apnea and need treatment. So what is sleep apnea, what type of treatment is available, and what are the benefits of sleep apnea treatment?
A Deeper Understanding of Sleep
Sleep is the state of suspended consciousness where the muscles relax, eyes are closed, and the nervous system is relatively inactive for hours at night. Sleep is an important part of human well-being. It is a basic need, like drinking, eating, and even breathing. The value of having a good sleep is immeasurable. No human can go through life without sleeping.
When someone is having difficulty sleeping or experiencing poor quality sleep caused by something within a person’s body, it is considered a disorder that needs to be addressed and rectified through proper treatment.
What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a kind of sleep disorder that can range from mild to serious. You will know if you have sleep apnea if your breathing suddenly stops and restarts several times during your sleeping period. The most obvious sign that you have sleep apnea is snoring. Snoring happens when a person breathes, and the air does not pass smoothly through the throat while sleeping.
When you have sleep apnea, the throat muscles relax and end up blocking part of your air passage which in turn causes a harsh, hoarse sound. When this happens, you may be awakened from your slumber as the body will struggle to take in oxygen to restart the breathing process. On some occasions of having sleep apnea, you may even be awakened with the feeling of drowning, and you panic, fighting to gasp for air which is a terrible thing to wake up to.
Effects of sleep apnea
Sleep apnea mainly affects your physical health. If not treated, prolonged sleep apnea may cause daytime fatigue. The fatigue will, in turn, affect your performance in any activity -work, sports, recreation- in a negative way.
You will find yourself struggling to focus or concentrate on doing tasks. You may even fall asleep when you are not supposed to, such as at work, in the movies, or even while driving. You may also develop high blood pressure and heart problems caused by the sudden, repeated plunge in oxygen level.
Irritability is highly likely from the low quality of sleep. Your performance at work, school, sports, or even simple daily tasks will suffer. Sleep apnea may even negatively affect your relations with family and friends. There have been reported cases of divorce being filed by a spouse that could not get proper sleep caused of their partner’s loud snoring. It may sound silly, but this proves how essential a good night’s sleep is to people.
What are the benefits of sleep apnea treatments?
The main focus of sleep apnea treatment is to get you back to sleeping properly. Treating sleep apnea means getting your life back on track by addressing your sleep disorder. Sleep apnea treatment, however, need not be far, complicated, or expensive.
Do you know that your friendly neighbourhood dentist has a solution for your sleep apnea? Yes, they do! It is called dental sleep apnea treatment, and it is a small dental device that you put in your mouth before you go to sleep. There are two types to choose from:
The first option is Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) – also known as a SomnoMed®. This device fits over your upper and lower teeth and is designed to push your jaw and forward. This then prevents constriction in the throat, letting you breathe properly.
The second option is a tongue retaining mouthpiece – this device is similar to a MAD. The only difference is that it also holds your tongue and the lower jaw forward to prevent constriction.
You can only benefit from consistently getting the proper sleep. The opposite can be detrimental to your health and well-being, which, in turn, may also affect others around you. Just a night of bad sleep can have a huge effect the next morning so think about the effect of having untreated sleep apnea.
If you suffer from sleep apnea and leave it untreated, you probably notice its negative effect on your life, such as a drop in your energy levels and performance. You should seriously consider getting the right sleep cycle back. Sleep apnea treatment may restore the quality of your sleep. The ideal advice that we can give you is to get treatment as soon as possible.