Tips for Safe Roof Decoration

Come holiday season, people are quick to plan on what kind of decoration they’re going to be putting up. A crowd favorite is intricate roof decorations. Here are some safety tips when it comes to putting up roof decorations.
Avoiding Damage to Your Roof
Installing decorations on the roof is not an easy task but at the same time, if done correctly it can be extremely rewarding. Imagine the joys that people get from looking up at your home and seeing Santa and his reindeer, or seeing a waving snowman. Nevertheless, the project of decorating the roof for any occasion should be done with great care to one, avoid any accidents and injury and two, avoid damage to the roof structure itself.
- Make sure that you use wires to protect your decorations and prevent them from toppling over or overturning which can lead to roof damage.
- Instead of trying to haul all the decorations with you up the ladder, consider lifting them up using a rope after you’ve climbed onto the roof. You will be better positioned this way and prevent your roof from getting damaged.
- Use eye bolts and make sure you review how to properly use them in securing your decorations on the different types of roof installations. Ensure that the fittings and anchor points are sturdy to prevent your decorations from being blown away by a strong gust of wind.
- When removing the decorations, take the time to carefully remove each clip by holding the decorations while slowly unhinging the wires and eye bolts from the anchor points on the roof.
If it is your first time decorating your roof or if you’re not confident about doing the job yourself, you can always turn to a professional who has both experiences when it comes to all types of roof installations and the right equipment to do the job right.
Holiday Decorating Safety Tips
Come holiday season, everyone gets excited at decorating their homes for the festivities. But for tough decorating jobs like roof decorations, you should follow these safety tips to avoid hurting yourself and causing damage to your roof.
- Use the right ladder for climbing onto the roof. Make sure the length exceeds the height of your roof. Also, wear the proper outfit, including the right footwear to avoid slipping.
- Assess your roof before decorating to see if there are any damages to it that needs attention. Inspect the tiles, shingles, or other roofing material that might be torn or loose. Check to see that the roof is also cleared of debris or any ice-damming.
- Plan your decoration so you can get the right materials and equipment.
- Don’t work alone; make sure you have a dependable assistant who’s on the ground to give guidance while you put on the decorations as well as to watch over you.
- Make sure that you only use quality electrical items for your rooftop decorations to avoid fire or electrical problems from using cheap electrical equipment.
- Don’t use nail or staple lights as a way to fasten your decorations unto your roof. Instead, string them, using clips that are fixed to your shingles or gutters.
Unsafe Holiday Roof Decorations
- Inflatables like Santas and reindeer can be blown away by a strong wind from the roof especially when they are set incorrectly.
- Too much roof decoration can put a strain on your roof’s foundation so pay close attention to the roof’s load capacity during the planning stage.
- Avoid using nails and staples which can puncture the wires on lights or even damage the insulating cover which can lead to electrical problems.
- Only use recommended gutter clips since too much weight on the gutter can result in its damage.
- Christmas lights can put too much strain on your electrical circuit so be cautious not to overburden your home’s circuits.
Holiday Lights Decoration Tips
- For those who are first-timers when it comes to stringing lights on the roof, limit your decorations to gables, eaves, and the border of the roof.
- When choosing Christmas lights, make sure you are using those that are intended for outdoor use. Use only a sturdy ladder when hanging the lights. Make sure you have a helper when you’re stringing the lights and only use the right tools in setting the lights on the roof.
- Before stringing the lights on the roof, test them first and make sure you substitute those that are burnt out. Damaged or burned out lights will still consume power from the whole string and will cause other working bulbs to dim.
- Avoid using nails, screws, or stables when mounting Christmas lights on your roof. Only use electrical tapes and clips since they are quick and easy to use and won’t damage the wiring on the lights.
General Safety Tips for Roof Decorations
- Before installing your decorations on your roof, make sure the roof is dry and free from debris and ice. It’s best that you clean the roof with a broom before putting on the decorations.
- Next, make sure that you have a sturdy ladder and that you have someone with you at all times while you set up the holiday decorations in case of an accident. The best kind of ladder for when you’re installing lights or other electrical decorations is a fiberglass one instead of using an aluminum one. Place the ladder on the ground and ask someone to hold it for extra security.
- The best footwear when putting on roof decorations is a boot with non-skid soles. Work boots are preferable, although any type of non-slip shoe is also acceptable. Never go barefoot, wear sandals, or flip-flops.
- Only use an extension cord that’s rated for outdoor use. When putting up extension cords to power the electrical decorations on the roof, avoid placing them on sharp edges like gutters or flashing as these might cause damage to the cord.
- And lastly, only install roof decorations in good weather conditions. Never attempt to put them up on windy days. It’s also advised to install such decorations in the late morning or early afternoon for maximum daylight to make sure you have the best visibility.
Author Bio:
Sarah Brooks is an ardent blogger who loves to write about home improvement, remodeling, restoration, and repair. She is currently working with Weathertight Roofing, one of the best Idaho roofing companies, which offers ultimate tips and guide on different types of roof installations and exceptional roofing services for both residential and commercial properties.