Tag: Travel

Best Online Hummingbird LIVE Webcams

Best Online Hummingbird LIVE Webcams

Have you ever seen a hummingbird? These mesmerizing species are native to the regions of Central and South America, widely known for being the smallest birds on Planet Earth. Their lightweight and tiny size enable them to fly up to 200 mph in every possible 

New Roads, Same Old Dangers? The Top Hazards Facing Traveling Road Users

New Roads, Same Old Dangers? The Top Hazards Facing Traveling Road Users

Whether you’re driving from city to city, or from one end of the country to the other, when you’re driving on unfamiliar roads, you should always exercise caution. You might be an incredibly confident driver with thousands of miles and years of experience under your 

Free Camping Sites in New South Wales

Free Camping Sites in New South Wales

New South Wales has so much to offer in the way of camping! Whether you’re a local Sydneysider looking for a chilled out escape from the city, a rural dweller who wants to explore their area a little further or an out of state adventurer, 

Best Ways to Explore Europe

Best Ways to Explore Europe

Europe might be the second smallest continent in the world, but it can easily satisfy any travel freak with its amazing locations and diversity. They have a huge variety of weather, and fantastic terrain, cultures, and food. Whether you are looking for some stunning beaches 

A Comprehensive Guide to Diving In Komodo Island

A Comprehensive Guide to Diving In Komodo Island

When you are talking about dive destinations or Diving Picks all over the world, Indonesia is at the very top. Komodo Island located in the Indonesian archipelago, is recognized as one of the top areas in the country to go for a dive and experience the 

How to Plan a Vacation When Circumstances are Always in Flux

How to Plan a Vacation When Circumstances are Always in Flux

How many times to you check details before booking a flight? Or making sure you’re requesting the right days off from work?   We all know that travel plans are so difficult to change that they’re practically written in stone, and we want to be 

The Future of Solo Female Travel

The Future of Solo Female Travel

Female travel is extremely popular nowadays. Many women from around the world go traveling today: they travel on foot, on horseback, by boat, by bike, or by plane.   They inspire others with their determination; prove that not only men can travel alone. After all, 

How Traveling Affects your Weight

How Traveling Affects your Weight

Vacations are often planned around relaxation and indulgence. While it is no surprise that people don’t eat very healthy while on vacation, food may not be the only thing that contributes to vacation weight gain. This article will open your eyes to the many ways 

Exploring the Exciting Island Of Kauai

Exploring the Exciting Island Of Kauai

Garden Island or Isle is a perfect description of Kauai. As seen in that description, it is an island; actually the fourth largest of the many islands of Hawaii, a city which itself is located in the central area of the Pacific. The Kauai area 

Are You a Self-Confessed Travel Snob? These Places in Europe Are for You!

Are You a Self-Confessed Travel Snob? These Places in Europe Are for You!

Hans Christian Andersen is quoted to have said, “To travel is to live”; and if your motto for traveling is Holidays-but-better, then choosing a destination with all the amenities along with the most realistic impression of the country’s everyday life, becomes a challenge. With so