Tag: Parents

Academic Life Coaching: Empowering Students to Achieve Success and Fulfillment

Academic Life Coaching: Empowering Students to Achieve Success and Fulfillment

In today’s competitive academic landscape, students face immense pressure to excel. From managing rigorous coursework and extracurricular activities to navigating social dynamics and planning for the future, the demands on young people can feel overwhelming. While traditional academic support focuses on tutoring and test preparation, 

7 Wholesome Benefits of Joining Parenting Groups for Young Parents

7 Wholesome Benefits of Joining Parenting Groups for Young Parents

Greetings from the crazy and amazing world of parenthood, where getting enough sleep turns into a luxury, changing diapers is a daily ordeal, and “restful time” seems like a myth from a faraway place. But do not worry, young parents—amid the mayhem and snuggles, there’s 

How to Build Emotional Bonds with a Foster Child

How to Build Emotional Bonds with a Foster Child

Foster carers often experience different emotions as they try to integrate a foster child into their homes. One of the most common is worries surrounding creating a strong emotional bond with them and forming a positive relationship. It is common for carers to experience these 

For Parents: Tips to Prepare Teenagers for Online Learning

For Parents: Tips to Prepare Teenagers for Online Learning

It’s no secret that online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years. A growing number of schools are offering online courses. Many students are taking advantage of the flexibility and convenience that online learning can offer. For teenagers who are used to attending traditional 

Eight Tips for Developing a Passion for Music in Your Kids

Eight Tips for Developing a Passion for Music in Your Kids

Music is an art that brings out emotions and produces harmony. The coordinated collection of sounds nurtures the soul and calms the mind. Whether it is the loud thumping of drums, strategic striking of guitar strings, or the sweet melody from a flute, music provides 

A Simple Parents Guide To International Schools in Singapore

A Simple Parents Guide To International Schools in Singapore

The growing expat community in Singapore doesn’t have to worry about the education system for their children. Fortunately, the country has many top-rated international schools offering higher learning opportunities and experiences. Most of them offer International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, whereas some can run the country’s 

7 Simple Tricks To Prepare For Parenthood

7 Simple Tricks To Prepare For Parenthood

Parenthood is often the bravest decision one could make. It’s also a sign that a relationship has reached a step where two people definitely want to spend a life together. But, parenthood is also scary, difficult, and nerve-wracking, especially for first-time parents. However, with a 

12 Legitimate Online Jobs for Kids and Parents During a Pandemic in 2021

12 Legitimate Online Jobs for Kids and Parents During a Pandemic in 2021

The work from home situation has seen a drastic change in the last 2 years and while offices may have started functioning at low capacity for many of us this work from home situation remains the same.   This work from home situation has been 

How to Find the Best Kindergarten for Your Children

How to Find the Best Kindergarten for Your Children

Parents have to thinks about a lot of things when it comes to raising a child. Their preschool education is one of them. After all, leaving a child in someone else’s care is not a small fit and parents want to make sure they made 

6 Reasons Why You Need Compliance Management At Your Childcare Centre

6 Reasons Why You Need Compliance Management At Your Childcare Centre

As a childcare centre director, you are responsible for some of the most important people in your customer’s lives. When parents leave their children in your care, they need to know that you and your employees are capable and committed to their happiness and safety.