Tag: Cinnamon

5 Reasons Cinnamon Is Your New Best Friend During Your Period

5 Reasons Cinnamon Is Your New Best Friend During Your Period

Cinnamon is a commonly found spice in the Indian kitchen and known for its anti-microbial properties. This nutrient-dense spice contributes to wellness when consumed in the right way. From addressing the bloating issues, digestive discomfort and boosting the overall health to regulating sugar levels, cinnamon 

What is Garam Masala and How to Use It?

What is Garam Masala and How to Use It?

Many cultures and cuisines place a high value on spices. They have been utilized for millennia to enhance meals’ flavor and health benefits. Some people believe that spices have health-improving therapeutic qualities.   For instance, several spices have anti-inflammatory properties that are advantageous to the