Surya Namaskar vs. Traditional Workouts: Which is Better for Your Fitness Goals?

Surya Namaskar vs. Traditional Workouts: Which is Better for Your Fitness Goals?

When it comes to fitness, the right workout can achieve your goals. Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is a yoga practice that has existed since ancient times and consists of 12 postures. It is the other side of the traditional workout. This includes different types of exercises, such as running, and high-intensity interval training(HIIT). Each has its benefits and understanding them can help you decide which is best for your fitness.


What is Surya Namaskar?


Surya Namaskar


Surya Namaskar is also known as Sun Salutation which combines 12 asanas done in the body. This asana helps in improving flexibility and balance. This asana is easy. It starts with the Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)  and ends with the Tadasana (Mountain Pose). This practice engages the body and focuses on mindful breathing, making it a holistic exercise.


Surya Namaskar is very popular in India, which is done at the time of sunrise to honor the Sun. It is believed that it balances the mind and the soul, which benefits both physically and spiritually.


Benefits of Surya Namaskar


Physical Benefits


Surya Namaskar is a workout that engages the muscle group, it improves posture and mobility by stretching the muscles and joints, and it also improves heart health, apart from this, it can help in losing weight and boost Metabolism with regular practice and also This exercise is proven beneficial for those who want to lose weight.


  • Full-Body Workout: Its workout on the arms, legs, back, and core muscles provides strength and endurance.


  • Improved Flexibility and Mobility: Dynamic activities increase joint flexibility and muscle mobility.


  • Enhanced Cardiovascular Health: It increases heart rate and improves circulation.


  • Weight Loss and Metabolism: It’s Effective in burning calories and boosting metabolism when practiced regularly.


Mental Benefits


One of the benefits of Surya Namaskar is its power to reduce stress and anxiety. The practice of slow and deep breathing promotes relaxation and mental clarity. Studying the practice also helps in calming the mind and focusing on one place, contributing to overall mental well-being.


  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Flowing motions and deep, rhythmic breathing can reduce cortisol and induce calm.


  • Improved Mental Focus and Clarity: Regular practice enhances concentration and mindfulness.


  • Meditative Aspects: It promotes meditative states, which can enhance emotional balance and inner calm.


Comparison with Traditional Workouts


Traditional Workouts


Strength Training


Traditional activities to improve strength include push-ups or weight lifting, for example, they target the upper muscles, such as the shoulder and triceps, and Surya Namaskar is a full-body workout that targets all your muscles. Push-ups are not as effective. This Exercise improves strength and flexibility.


  • Muscle Engagement: Push-ups target the upper body, whereas Surya Namaskar works on the entire body.


  • Strength Building: Traditional strength training builds muscle mass more quickly, but Surya Namaskar builds functional strength and endurance.


Cardio Workouts


  • Running and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) are well-known for their calorie-burning capabilities.


  • HIIT, characterized by brief, intense activity periods followed by rest, is particularly effective for enhancing cardiovascular health and reducing fat.


  • Although Surya Namaskar is less intense, it provides cardiovascular benefits through its fluid and continuous movements.


  • HIIT and running burn more calories per session compared to Surya Namaskar.


  • HIIT workouts are time-efficient, while Surya Namaskar can be performed for longer durations for sustained benefit.


Which is Better for Weight Loss?


The effectiveness of a workout for weight loss depends on the number of calories burned and the overall condition of the exercise routine. In comparison to Surya Namaskar, more calories can be burnt than hit and run, However, the holistic nature of Surya Namaskar, which combines physical exercise with mindfulness and stress reduction. It can also help in losing weight. The benefits of losing weight are best achieved through a combination of regular exercise and a balanced diet.


  • Caloric Burn Comparisons: HIIT and running burn more calories per session.


  • Long-term Benefits: Surya Namaskar offers sustained benefits through regular practice and a balanced lifestyle.


  • Role of Diet and Consistency: Consistent practice and a healthy diet are key to effective weight loss.


Perfect for Beginners


Surya Namaskar is suitable for beginners as it can be done easily to match any fitness level. The pose can be done with simple movements and with slow repetitions, it can be done easily for beginners in the traditional workout. Even light cardio movements such as these may be good for beginners but Surya Namaskar provides the additional benefits of flexibility and mindfulness.


  • Beginners can start with simpler versions and gradually progress.


  • Adjusting the intensity and complexity of poses helps in building endurance.


  • Walking, light cardio, and simple strength exercises are good starting points.

How to Include Surya Namaskar in Your Fitness Plan


Surya Namaskar can be combined with traditional Surya Namaskar exercises to create a balanced workout routine for example you can do Surya Namaskar in the morning to start your day with a full body stretch and end your day with strength training exercises to build muscle. This combination ensures that you are working on different aspects of fitness, including strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health.


  • Surya Namaskar complements strength training by improving flexibility.


  • Example Weekly Workout Schedules:


  • Monday: Surya Namaskar + Strength Training
  • Wednesday: Running or HIIT + Surya Namaskar
  • Friday: Yoga session with Surya Namaskar


  • A balanced routine ensures comprehensive fitness benefits.


Common Mistakes to Avoid


When doing Surya Namaskar, it’s crucial to keep the correct form to avoid injuries. Make sure your body is properly aligned in each pose and don’t push yourself too far. Pay attention to your breathing, taking deep and steady breaths. Also, don’t overdo it; give yourself enough rest between sessions to let your body recover.


Final Thought


Both Surya Namaskar and traditional workouts offer unique benefits. The best choice depends on your fitness goals, preferences, and lifestyle. By understanding the strengths of each approach, you can create a well-rounded fitness routine that enhances both your physical and mental well-being. Whether you choose the Surya Namaskar or the high-intensity route of traditional workouts, the key is consistency and enjoyment in your fitness journey.




  1. Can you build muscle with Surya Namaskar?


Yes, Surya Namaskar can build muscle by engaging multiple muscle groups, improving strength and flexibility.


  1. What happens if I do Surya Namaskar every day?


If you do Surya Namaskar every day, you can improve flexibility, strength, cardiovascular health, and mental well-being.


  1. Which is better for weight loss: Surya Namaskar or HIIT?


HIIT generally burns more calories per session, but Surya Namaskar also contributes to weight loss and offers additional benefits like flexibility and stress reduction.


  1. Can I combine Surya Namaskar with other workouts?


Yes, Surya Namaskar can complement other workouts like strength training and cardio, creating a balanced fitness routine.




Dav Jones is a dedicated yoga teacher with more than ten years of experience. He is known for his clear and engaging teaching style that helps students of all levels improve. In 2021, Dav received the Yoga Excellence Award for his outstanding contributions to teaching. He regularly writes helpful articles for Yoga Journal, sharing his knowledge and passion for yoga. Dav’s classes focus on achieving mental and physical balance, making yoga accessible and enjoyable for everyone.