Solutions To Top Seven Sleep Problems That Spoil Your Relationship

When it comes to sleeping with another human it not only provides you with security and safety as well as bonding it will also provide you with health benefits. Sleeping with a loved one will lower cortisol levels as well as reduce any inflammation. But some people are not compatible sleepers and that is fine. That is not a reason why you should give up the whole relationship, there are many ways you can work around it. If you are working on that issue, here are ways you can fix those issues.
Different Temperature Preferences
The optimal sleeping temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius, but it can vary from person to person. A Lot of times your partner will like something that differs from your temperature. But when it comes to sleeping when you are too hot or too cold it will be almost impossible to fall asleep. That is why you should have separate bedding so those who are cold can’t warm up without compromising the other person.
Clashing Sleep Cycles
If your partner is a night owl and you are an easy bird that doesn’t mean that you need to break up or not live together. Every person has a different internal sleep clock and that is okay. Instead of forcing each other to change and then end up finding and breaking up, simply go to bed at different times. There is nothing wrong with going to sleep without your partner. All you need to do is ensure no one is forcing anyone to do anything. Relationships are all about working together so everyone is comfortable. But it is important that you don’t disturb your partner in their routines, if they are doing meditation before bed, make sure you are allowing your partner to do it in peace and vice versa.
Night-time Wake-ups
Not being able to go through the night without waking up isn’t uncommon. Sometimes it can be a sign that you are struggling with insomnia or simply being super stressed. It can also be because of a poor sleeping environment as well as not having a sleep schedule. When you have woken up in the middle of the night and 20 minutes passed and you can’t fall back asleep, there is no point in staying in bed.
There are a few things that you can do when it comes to this, the simplest thing that you can do is go to a different room and try to do something that calms you down. You don’t want to disturb your partner’s sleep cycle. Another thing that you can do is improve your sleep hygiene. What that means is that you are making sure that the bedroom is clean and fresh, dark and quiet. You should also avoid drinking caffeine before sleep.
Blanket Tug-of-war
When it comes to sarin the blankets some couples are just not into it and that is fine. A lot of couples try to ignore the issue and go to bed with a nice 50/50 blanket and suddenly they wake up freezing cold. To simply stop having arguments in the morning about who is hogging the blanket, cover yourself with separate blankets. That way no one will steal anything and everyone can be nice and cosy.
Night Sweats
There are a lot of people who are simply sweaty sleepers and there is nothing that you can do to change that. But if you are laying very close to your partner or sharing the same blanket it can quickly get uncomfortable for at least one of you. That is why you should ensure that you have a breathable and cooling mattress with nice breathable sheets as well as pyjamas that are allowing your body not to overheat. Also make sure to take a shower before going to bed to clean you body and prevent bad smell.
Children In the Bed
When it comes to sleeping, having another person next to you can already feel a bit crowded, so when you add a child or an animal it can very easily disrupt your night-time rhythm. A lot of people can struggle with constantly waking up because they have no space or simply because there is someone else in the bed. That is why you need to ensure that you are setting clear rules that everyone involved will follow. It is important that you don’t teach your kids habits like this as co-sleeping can cause long-term cognitive and behavioural issues. On top of that, it will often cause arguments with your partner as both of you will be agitated because of the lack of quality sleep.
One of the most popular things that partners struggle with is snoring. There is nothing worse for a light sleeper than someone who is snoring. Luckily, there are many ways you can fix snoring issues, but sometimes it is not just snoring, it might also be sleep apnea. If you want not to bother your partner, the best thing that you can do is sleep with earplugs, headbands or noise-cancelling headphones. If you want to help your partner you can try getting them nasal strips to open up their airways.
Another great way to stop snoring is to change the sleep position. Sometimes people snore just because they are sleeping on their backs. If you think your partner is struggling with this try to help them stay on their side while they are sleeping.
If you think that it is something more serious, try to rule out sleep apnea. There are a lot of sleep disorders that someone can struggle with without even knowing it. That is why it is so important to stick together and figure out if they need to have medical help or get a special night mouth guard. These are only the seven most common problems that can spoil a relationship when it comes to sleeping arrangements. When in a relationship, communicating and finding common ground is something that will keep it going. Always listen to your partner and try to solve a problem rather than just pointing out the issues.