Scope and Effectiveness of Internal Audit in the Banking Sector

Scope and Effectiveness of Internal Audit in the Banking Sector

Let us begin by defining what internal audit signifies in the banking sector. It is an independent examination of the financial statements and monitoring of the bank’s system of internal controls and procedures. These audits when conducted at regular intervals helps the management in the protection of assets and evaluating all the possible risks that might cross paths with the organization. In today’s day and age, there are ample technological advances that can be integrated and implemented by the internal auditors that make for an effective audit implementation. One of the main tasks of the organizational units of internal audit at the bank’s board is to provide an independent and objective consideration of the issues that are subject to the process of audit. Internal audit for banking is effective as they identify and assess the main risks like credit risk, liquidity risk, and several others and propose plans that can be implemented while maintaining a productive work environment at the organization.


The scope of an internal audit


The scope of a bank’s internal audit can be extremely extensive and broad. It may include evaluating the efficacy of the internal control system as well as examining its applications. Conduct a systematic review of the management information system and the effectiveness of electronic banking services. Also, the process overlooks the adequacy of risk management procedures and methodologies. The internal audit team in banks is also responsible for checking the accuracy and reliability of the financial records and reports. One of the many roles of the audit team is conducting the appraisal of the economy and efficiency of the operations. These procedures ensure compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements, codes of conduct, and implementation of policies. Each of these roles establishes the effectiveness of the internal audits and is further discussed in greater detail.


Different types of internal audits


The process basically includes drawing up an audit plan, assessing the available information, communicating the results, and following up recommendations and issues. Different types in internal audits include the following:


Financial audit


This focuses on assessing the dependability of the accounts system and information along with the resulting financial reports. It takes into account the historical orientation of the documents and performs independent evaluations for attesting to the fairness and accuracy of the said financial data.


IT audit


The main aim of this kind of audit is to analyze controls tied to the institution’s automated information processing systems. They ascertain that IT systems are safeguarding the assets, meanwhile maintaining data integrating and also serving to achieve the required business objectives.


Management audit


A management audit is also referred to as a performance audit and is an excellent resource to put forward an independent and objective insight into the effectiveness of the business processes. The committee reviews the strategies without any backlash from the management and observes how the administrative work is divided amongst the divisions and if there is an opportunity to increase efficiency.


Compliance audit


An audit for this function focuses on the assessment of quality and appropriateness of the systems established to ensure compliance with policies, laws, regulations, and procedures. These are mandated by policy or statutory requirements. The objective is clearly streamlined on adequate control over an important internal process.


Risk management through internal audits


A professional internal audit for banking is based on methodical control risk assessment. The analysis of the risk evaluates all of the bank’s activities, entities, and the complete internal controls system. The department develops a realistic audit plan that takes into account the degree of risk inherent in the activities and also the expected developments and innovations within a reasonable time period. Having a strong internal audits system enables early detection of fraud or a probable fraud. Similarly, financial audits and reduce similar risks by constant monitoring of policies and procedures. The cybersecurity and protection of data online are also considered as eradication of IT risks that might pose a threat to the controls.


Thorough follow-ups of an audit report


After the analysis of the internal controls through the internal audits in banks a detailed report is submitted which includes the purpose and scope of the procedures along with the term’s findings and recommendations and the auditee’s responses. It can come in the form of an annual report and discusses extensively with the senior management to ensure the adequacy of measures taken to mitigate the deficiency or associated risks in the internal controls system. This step deems the process extremely effective and increases accountability within the organization.


Wrapping up, internal audits guarantee overall compliance


Setting up a reliable and independent audit committee that is capable of vigilant inspection and is able to cover the broader aspects of operations can be much more effective than having a team specialized only in certain areas. Regular internal audits for banking provide better comfort and assurance to the statutory and third-party auditors as well.