Reasons to Buy Organic Clothing

Organic is a buzzword these days now that everyone is talking about it.
It is welcoming to see more and more people to understand the importance of eco-friendly lifestyle that includes not only eating organic food but also wearing organic clothing.
Organic crops are grown without using any harmful pesticides or GMO and are better for not just for your own health but also that of the environment.
While it is easy to see why putting organic food IN your body helps, this article will also make you understand how putting them ON your bodies help you too.
Read this article to know more.
It is environment friendly
Did you know that as many as 1/3 of a pound of chemicals is required to produce enough cotton that is used to a single t-shirt? Now consider the mass production of these shirts that are being sold all over the world and worn by billions of people! But when you order organic brand clothing, you can reduce the amount of chemicals that are being used to grow the and process the fiber used in making a cotton t-shirt. As a result, fewer chemicals seep into the ground water and oceans that has direct bearing on the marine life.
Agricultural benefits
Organic clothing is made from fiber that has been grown using organic farming methods that work better than the traditional practices. Things like fertilizers and pesticides can contaminate not only the soil but also the air and waterways around it. The rampant use of chemicals also strips the soil of its natural nutrients that can lead to soil erosion. It is only a matter of time when the soil becomes completely depleted and require an excessive use of fertilizers to create a harvest.
Once it has been sprayed on the plants, these chemicals wash off during rain and pollute the nearby waterworks such as rivers and lakes, thereby diminishing the availability of drinking water. As a result, it endangers the plants, animals, and humans that depend on it for their sustenance. This vicious cycle can only be reduced by making a conscious decision of switching to organic clothing that relies on natural methods of farming and treatment of soil.
It is better for your skin too
We all know the health benefits of eating organic food. But did you know that cotton is also of the most heavily sprayed and treated crop? These chemicals used in growing along with the ones used to process the cotton for use in garments come in direct contact with your skin. These regular exposure to harmful chemicals can pose a health risk such as birth defects, weakened immunity, and reproductive disorders, to name a few.
Besides, it feels softer against the skin and is able to retain its shape much longer, even when it is airdried on the clothesline. They are your best bet if you are looking for clothes that do not harm your skin or feed your body with harmful toxins.
Value for money
Organic clothing may be expensive but they are resilient and will definitely last you longer than the treated cotton. Since they do not require any chemical treatment for harvesting and processing, they are more durable when turned into textiles. As such, your organic clothing and bedding will definitely last much longer than the synthetic cotton that has a very short lifespan.
Energy and climate benefits
Traditional farming practices use pesticides and fertilizers that require far more energy to extract than its organic counterpart. Needless to say, the energy used in the process is produced by fossil fuels. Creating synthetic substances using non-renewable sources of energy only increases levels of pollution and releases harmful CO2 into the atmosphere.
Organic farming, on the other hand, is actually helpful in reducing the pollution. The farming practices involving organic produce is helpful in removing CO2 emissions. At the same time, the nutrient rich soil helps create a healthy harvest without using too much water for irrigation, thereby preserving another one of planet Earth’s precious resources.
Not many of us think too much before buying that cute dress online or what it is made of. In fact, we rarely read up the product description to learn more about the fabric. However, have you ever wondered what happens to the dress once you discard it? Today we are all aware of the positive impact of organic food on the environment and the people. However, you must also make a conscious choice of replacing your clothing with organic cotton. This one simple step towards green living will have a huge impact on the environment as well as the economy.
Thanks to the growing awareness, it is now very easy to find stylish organic clothing online that you can easily buy from the comforts of your home.