Parkinson’s Disease – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Parkinson’s disease, also known as Parkinsonism, is a slow-moving mental disorder that results in involuntary movements of the muscles. The disorder gradually affects the brain stem, which controls muscle movement. In recent years, various pharmaceutical companies have produced a number of prescription medications intended to alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. However, patients and family members of patients who suffer from this disease are often frustrated with the lack of results from these medications. Some medications, such as levodopa, cause unwelcome side effects such as dizziness, urinary frequency, constipation, headaches, nausea, and upset stomach. Furthermore, levodopa, taken for the treatment of Parkinsons, can also increase the heart rate, cause sweating, and have serious withdrawal side effects, especially when taken in conjunction with certain medications for high blood pressure or depression.
Paraquat, an organic herb commonly used worldwide to treat neurological disorders, has recently been discovered to also cause Parkinson’s Disease in California and several other locations. According to paraquat parkinson’s lawsuit in California, this contain the active ingredient of Quercetin, which has been shown in studies to have protective effects on both glial cells and dopamine nerve cells that affect motor functions. If Quercetin is applied to the skin, it has the effect of “glue” the nerve cells together, preventing them from spreading to other areas of the brain and causing Parkinson’s disease. This is the main reason why Quercetin should be used in conjunction with certain other medications for Parkinson’s, particularly those designed to treat dyskinesia, also known as Parkinson’s choroidopathy.
The discovery of paraquat and the redox-cycling activity brings to light an alternative treatment for Parkinson’s disease. If you do not want to take medication to treat your symptoms, you may consider trying paraquat, along with a healthy diet, nutrition, and exercise. Paraquat acts like vitamin C but doesn’t contain as much Ascorbic acid as vitamin C. (Ascorbic acid is needed to make the proteins inside the body, such as the brain, absorb ions.) These two characteristics make paraquat more effective than vitamin C. It is also less likely to create toxic free radicals that could damage other important nutrients within the body. For this reason, paraquat should be taken with a carefully monitored vitamin C supplement.
According to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, scientists in the United States have found that paraquat has anticancer activity. Preliminary data from two studies indicate that applying paraquat externally, in the form of a cream, can reduce the growth of lung and ovarian tumors in mice. Other types of cell cancer are being studied at present, including breast, cervical, stomach, ovarian, prostate, and pancreatic cancers. Two types of fungus are being studied, as well: one that is linked to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and another that is linked to a type of fungus that flourishes in the southern United States: Candida.
Scientists believe that the combination of Parkinson’s disease and paraquat exposure increases the risk of degenerative changes that lead to the disorder. The first theory is that paraquat exposure enhances the production of toxins (free radicals), which impairs the brain’s functions. Another is that the body’s defense systems, which would otherwise attack these toxins, are instead neutralized by them. Finally, another theory is that the toxins cause the cells to turnover or become inactive.
Researchers in the United States and throughout Europe have concluded that there is enough evidence to indicate a link between paraquat use and the development of Parkinson’s disease. In Japan, for example, an association has been established between paraquat use and the early onset of Parkinson’s disease. There are other diseases linked to paraquat use, including irritable bowel syndrome and oral infections. However, more research is needed to strengthen and clarify the link between paraquat use and Parkinson’s disease.
How To Get Rid Of Parkinson’s Disease With Exercises
When it comes to getting information about the disease called Parkinson’s, there are many websites that claim to offer the best exercises for you or your loved ones with the disease. This is a common issue in the world of medical science today because so many theories and discoveries have been made over the years. Unfortunately, not all of these facts are accepted by all parties involved. With that said, it’s very important to understand that there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease but there are some effective treatments for you or your loved ones dealing with the symptoms.
Because there are no cures for the disease, many different methods of treatment exist including medications, exercise, behavioral therapy, biofeedback, neurology, physical therapy, homeopathic remedies, and alternative treatments. Because medications are often necessary to keep people from experiencing the worst of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, it’s very important that you as a patient to research as much as possible about the various medications available on the market today. When searching for how to get rid of Parkinson’s disease exercises, you will also want to find out about exercises that don’t involve medications. While medications can be effective when treating the main symptoms of the disease, they are often unnecessary for overall improvement in your quality of life.
If you want to make sure that you are taking advantage of every treatment option available to you, it’s a very good idea to seek the advice of a medical professional specializing in the disease. While researching how to get rid of Parkinson’s disease exercises, be sure to speak with your doctor as well about your daily exercise routine. The condition of Parkinson’s can often times be aggravated by inactivity. It is very important that you do everything you can to maintain your health and remain as active as possible. While medications may be necessary to manage your symptoms, there are a number of exercises that can be done alone at home to promote overall brain health.