No More Excuses: How To Start A Healthy Diet & Stick To It

No More Excuses: How To Start A Healthy Diet & Stick To It

Everybody is talking about different types of diets, what works, what doesn’t work, how and what you should eat. But we firmly believe that food is not the only thing that a diet should consist of. Changing the way you eat and nothing else will ultimately prove meaningless, as there are plenty more things you need to change for a successful and long-lasting diet. Here are some of the thing you need to keep in mind to successfully implement a healthy diet that you won’t have a problem sticking to.


Have realistic expectations


Have realistic expectations


This should go without saying, but many people aren’t really clear on what they expect from a diet. You need to isolate your problem, whether it is with a professional or alone. Is the problem the type of food you eat, the time of the day you eat, or just the amount of food you take? Do you want to lose weight, or to have tight skin, or gain weight? All of these questions need answering before you can start a diet. What is important is to have realistic expectations. Don’t get disappointed if you can’t see the results after the first week of your diet. Nothing can be changed over night!


Keep junk food away


Junk food can only taunt you to eat late at night and if you give into it, you will feel guilty and it may even deter you from your original plan. So, to prevent this from happening, invite all your friends and offer them food and ask for their help in supporting you. Remember that alcohol is also not recommended when on a diet, so be sure to mention that, too, and even give away some! Now, if you aren’t a good of a cook or have a busy schedule that prevents you from making healthy foods to eat, My Fitness Kitchn makes fresh fitness meals and they also deliver them to you! They offer a variety of sizes, and you can plan your meals so that you actually enjoy your transformation! Diets can now taste good!


Ease into it


With today’s instant gratification in every field of life, people expect change to come before they even start making changes. This is why we believe it is important not to jump into the diet head first. Start with restricting your midnight snacks, and making a healthy breakfast – smoothie or cereals. Also, instead of spending your work break in the office, go for a walk – exercise will do you good, and you will get some fresh air. You will see how these small changes will help you ease into the diet and not feel overwhelmed when you fully commit to it.


Don’t have a cheat day


Many diets let you have a cheat day once a week, usually on Sundays, when you lay at home all day doing nothing but binge watching TV and eating junk food. This is a terrible idea, and here’s why. All your hard work from the past week will be annulled by this one day, and you will start again tomorrow, almost like you are constantly having a battle with your own body. Plus, sugar is highly addictive, and if you boost your body with sugar, you will feel groggy and heavy the next day, your body craving for the next fix. So, forget about a cheat day, and find a healthy solution for your cravings – you will feel much better, both physically and mentally!






This is a must. No diet can yield results without exercise. Your body needs to move to burn the calories it gets, and by combining healthy food that will fuel you in energy with exercises, you will start seeing results much faster than if you didn’t exercise at all. Start with walking or jogging in the park if you have the inner motivation, or you can join a gym. Instructors can help you make a perfect plan for your body type and goals, if you like to keep your own pace. Or, you can join a fitness group, or yoga! Another way to monitor your progress is to take pictures of yourself – to be able to objectively see the changes in your body.




Starting and maintaining a healthy diet is not that difficult, if you are willing to change your ways. Change does not always come easy, but when you start seeing the results, it will be an added motivation!