Mazda 3 Maintenance Tips

As a car owner, you undoubtedly agree that maintenance is not the cheapest extra your vehicle comes with.
However, if done correctly and on a regular basis, maintenance can save you a lot of stress and money later on in the life of your car since faulty engines or damaged equipment can become incredibly costly to repair, depending on the extent of the damage.
While your Mazda 3 is more your all-day city car and shouldn’t be exposed to extreme driving conditions or weather (depending on where you live), the wear and tear might not be as fast and hard as with other cars.
But there are still some regular check-ups you can perform yourself to keep your Mazda running smoothly.
Service Appointments and Owner’s Manual
It goes without saying that sticking to your regular service appointments is a golden rule in maintaining any car.
The service intervals also depend on how frequently and distances you usually drive with your car. On top of that, your driving style will significantly influence your vehicle’s maintenance as well.
How often your Mazda 3 will have to be serviced is specified in your owner’s manual, and we can only recommend you take it as seriously as your own annual health check-up.
In general, there is a lot of useful information in your manual which can assist you in maintaining your Mazda properly. Don’t let it get dusty; use it and read up on your vehicle!
Fluids and Oil
The oils and fluids are your vehicle’s lifeblood, and they keep it running and are responsible for your car’s mileage. Don’t let them run dry or use low-quality supplements to save some cash, and it’s going to cost you more to repair your engine later!
Here’s a list of fluids to get checked out regularly:
- Washer Fluid
- Power Steering Fluid
- Breaker Fluid
- Motor Oil
- Water
- Transmission Fluid
- Radiator Coolant/ Antifreeze Fluid
- Air Conditioning Coolant
When checking your car fluids or oil, always make sure your vehicle has cooled down completely.
Speaking of being cooled down – your engine is your car’s heart, and without a functioning engine, your vehicle will not take you anywhere.
Always make sure your engine is clean from debris, dust and dirt, well-oiled and maybe give it a slight buff and shine from time to time.
Well-maintained tyres will give you a more smooth ride, but they will also assist with fuel efficiency and prevent unwanted surprises such as a popped tyre mid-drive.
Always make sure to check your tyre pressure (your Mazda 3 needs 36 psi), as a tyre with too low pressure can burst.
Another useful tip is to rotate your tyres regularly to wear out evenly, preventing you from having to exchange one tyre by itself prematurely.
Functioning lights are vital on any road and are likely to save your life. How else are other drivers supposed to know where you are turning off or breaking?
To check your lights, ask a family member or friend to assist you and have them stand outside of the car while you sit behind the steering wheel and switch on your car and all the different light settings and blinkers.
On top of that, your car’s interior lights should be checked regularly—specifically the CEL and other warning lights. There is no point if your warning lights are out of order and you are driving with a faulty car and potentially damaging it further or even risking your and other passengers’ safety.
The last pro tip: a clean car (inside and out) is a well-maintained car. Most of the time, giving your car a bit of PDA, you notice snags and issues that you might not have seen on a regular drive to the shops.
Keeping things orderly and clean will help you keep an overview of your car and give you a way more comfortable driving experience.
Concluding Points
Maintaining a car takes time and does not come for free. But it is worth the effort. Any utility device, including cars, must be treated with care and maintained clean in order to last as long as possible.
Regular check-ups done by either you or an expert will ensure that you enjoy your Mazda 3 for a long time and that it will stay the reliable and fun vehicle that it is supposed to be for you.