Maintaining Hygiene in The Workplace During the Pandemic

During these unprecedented times, it is more important than ever that businesses ensure that their premises and employees remain as healthy and hygienic as possible. Due to the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have put forward the concept of social distancing to make sure that the coronavirus spreads as little as possible, businesses are having to completely change the way they work. If you are struggling to adapt to the current situation, we have some advice below on how to keep both yourself and your employees as hygienic and healthy as possible.
Use Floor Markers
Floor markers have becoming an essential part of maintaining hygiene in the workplace during the pandemic. You will have no doubt seen floor markers used across many businesses including supermarkets and chemists. Strip Curtains Direct are offering their help with tackling COVID-19 with their brand new range of floor markers – they have specifically designed and created to guarantee that people remain two metres apart from one another in public queues and workplaces. Floor markers can also be used inside banks, hospitals, takeaways and many more businesses in which it is pivotal that people keep their distance. Although everybody knows they must social distance, the use of floor markers acts as a kindly reminder to do so, and that two metres may actually be a further distance than people think. A few centimetres could potentially save lives, and the use of floor markers goes a long way towards ensuring that people stay two metres away from each other and nothing less.
Provide Staff with Sufficient Safety Gear
During the pandemic, it is absolutely essential that you provide non-telecommuting staff with all the correct safety gear – it could not only save their life, but your life and many others also. If some of your members of staff have to interact with your customers, it is essential that they wear face masks. This will protect them from breathing in germs passed on from all the consumers coming in and out of your business every day. If an employee has to touch surfaces and objects, it is imperative that they use safety gloves and wash their hands before and after putting the gloves on. Make sure that your business has plenty of hand sanitiser stocked up so that all employees and yourself can practice perfect hygiene between wearing protective equipment. Of course, it can be hard to guarantee that you have enough supplies for all employees in the current climate, but try to obtain as much equipment as possible.
Offer Staff the Chance to Telecommute
Over the past few years, the number of staff across businesses that are telecommuting has been rising drastically. This has been for many reasons such as saving time and money – telecommuting is now a great way to not only save time and money, but more importantly keep your employees as safe as possible. For companies whose staff complete their roles on computers and on online platforms, offering telecommuting to them is most certainly the way forward. They can still complete their work as well as if they were in the office. Of course, it is essential for some companies to have people inside the office, but it is still important to tell people to stay at home if they are feeling unwell – the symptoms of COVID-19 are fatigue, fever, muscle soreness and dry coughing. It is possible that some employees may still come in despite feeling unwell as they don’t want their job to be in jeopardy. Therefore, it is so important that they can telecommute and you provide them with job security.