Luxury Vintage Pieces 2022: All You Need To Know

In our world today, we are confronted with an endless supply of discussion on how we should dress, unlimited magazines with celebrities donning the newest designer label and shows telling us ‘what is hot, and what is not’. Much of these conversations fail to identify and distinguish two critical factors: what is style and what is fashion?
Fashion is temporary, it comes and goes, it does not last and what is in fashion today may not be in fashion tomorrow. However, style on the other hand, is timeless. Any collector of vintage antique pieces is aware of this idiom: style is forever. This article is all about style and will discuss the must have vintage pieces for only the most serious of collectors.
Time has always fascinated us humans. No matter our background, there is only one thing that we have in equal amounts – time. It is a classic notion that has continually bewildered and confused the greatest minds throughout our existence. For this reason, antique time pieces are the top of our list. Time is what gels us all together, it holds the fabric in place and it makes the world go around. Any serious collector of vintage items will want to ensure that a vintage time piece is on the top of their priority list. Take a peek of some fine antique Rolex watches for sale at your nearest antique dealer.
Once upon a time, a piece of jewellery literally separated the classes of society. An item of jewellery was more of a status symboliser than a piece that showed any sort of fashion interest. This led to the production of some of the most extravagant and exuberant rings that the world has seen to this day. Since a ring would be on the wearer’s finger, it would come into direct sight of anyone making their acquaintance, for this reason, rings were made with a stunning beauty. An antique ring should be next for any serious collector.
Similar to rings, hats were donned in order to effectively show the status of the wearer. Handcrafted, hand woven and intricately put together, the hats of the past are nothing like the modern day ‘snapbacks’ or ‘beanies’ that one sees. For a serious collector, an antique hat is often overlooked. A hat allows a unique opportunity to wear a piece of clothing that sat on top of the head of a person from your favourite era in history. You have heard of the expression ‘step into a person’s shoes’, well, why not ‘slip under the hat’ of a person from a specific time?
Antique fashion is on the up. More and more people are moving away from the ‘fast-fashion’ that has plagued new generations and are moving back in time to classic pieces. Like many things, keeping it simple is best, and for this reason, serious collectors should look to start of their new collection with antique watches, rings and hats. Fashion is fleeting, style and antique goods are forever and timeless.