Looking for Study Aid? 3 Ways to Improve Before the ACE Exam

Studying for a massive exam is a lot like a bad dream. It feels like you have an impossible amount of work to do and the closer you get to your test date the more you can begin to feel nervous, or unprepared for what lies ahead.
Test anxiety is a normal part of the learning process for millions of people, but here’s the truth – you can overcome your fears and be victorious on the other side. It’s common to look at a mountain of information that you know you’ll be rigorously tested over and feel intimidated. In fact, this kind of intimidation or fear can actually be a good thing, motivating you to work hard and learn your content.
The truth is, there is absolutely no such thing as a silver bullet for tests, and for some people, the anxiety that comes with them. However, there is one tried and true method of always coming out on top, and that’s by learning the material. Despite the fear or the volume, the cold fact remains that you are capable of learning material and that you can. It will take some hard work and dedication, but the best kind of confidence you can have on test day is that you know the material inside and out.
The ACE certification exam is known for being one of the most difficult personal training exams to pass, but don’t let that get in your head. There are ways that you can overcome the challenges of this exam, know the material by heart, and get the passing score that you deserve. Here are 3 ways to improve your chances of passing the ACE exam.
A Study Guide is Crucial
When it comes to this exam, getting an ACE study guide is crucial. The most important thing that a study guide can give you is an accurate map of the material that you have to learn. What’s more, is that starting out with a study guide as early as you can be of the most benefit. The ACE exam is known for being difficult and has a substantial set of 150 questions. This is a lot of information to know really well, time is a huge part of studying so optimize with a guide.
Getting a study guide that you commit to as early as you can in the study process increases your chances of being able to master the material. Without a study guide, it’s completely possible to learn this material, but it’s also probable that you won’t do it with a good balance. A study guide helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses so you are leveraging your time appropriately to get your highest score.
Set Up Realistic Goals
One of the fundamental aspects of improving your chances of a good score when it comes to taking big exams is playing the long game. Get your calendar out, put down the date that you want to take the exam, and then work through every week until you get there.
Factor in as much of your real life as you can, because the more you can plan for your exam the better. That means figuring out what weekends you want to take off and let loose a bit with your friends, and which ones you want to hem it in and study.
How often are you going to study? What will your hourly study time goals be for each week and when will you take your practice assessment?
All of these questions are important to have answered with correlating dates on a calendar before you even begin to study.
Create Your Safe Zones
It’s been studied time and time again that stress actually inhibits a person’s ability to have good memory retention and perform well. Stress, in small quantities, can have the benefit to it, as far as it can motivate you to work hard and focus. However, stress when it gets out of hand can cause you to forget things and cause you feel miserable.
This is why creating your safe zones is a necessity for preparing for a big test. Have areas, or activities, that completely recharge you and help you relax. Maybe that’s the gym, your favorite hiking trail, or your best friend’s couch. Whatever your safe place looks like, make sure you can get to it when you need and don’t be afraid to ask for emotional and mental support when you need it.
One of the most important aspects of preparing for an exam is to not allow stress and anxiety to get the better of you. Start out with a good study guide, set your goals on your calendar, and then use your safe places as you need to. With hard work, you can master and know the content, and that’s all you need to get the score you want!