Know Everything About the Myobrace System for Treating Teeth Braces

Know Everything About the Myobrace System for Treating Teeth Braces

Myobrace is an orthodontic method used as a non-braces approach to straighten crooked teeth and jaws. The treatment has been used for more than 20 years now in most countries of the world. In this method, underlying muscle habits are corrected because they are the major reason for crooked teeth. The dentists do not put braces or extract teeth or unlock the natural growth and development.


Myobrace is different from other orthodontic treatments as it works on both the teeth and jaws. Therefore, it is a suitable treatment for children aged 3 to adults. The appliance has a soft outer portion with a hard inner core. These appliances are worn once or twice during the day for an hour plus overnight while sleeping. Different kinds of Myobrace appliances are used for patients based on their age and orthodontic problem. In this article, we will follow the working of the Myobrace system.


What Causes Crooked Teeth? 


It has been long believed that crooked teeth result from hereditary factors or big teeth on small jaws. However, research has shown that myofunctional habits cause crooked teeth. These habits include improper breathing, tongue thrusting, thumb sucking, and even reverse swallowing. In addition, other reasons like asthma, allergies, and open mouth posture may also lead to the underdevelopment of jaws leading to crooked teeth.


What are the Treatment Stages in Myobrace System?


Myobrace is a preventative treatment that is used to eliminate the need for braces in later years. In most cases, doctors have successfully straighten crooked teeth and rectified the jaws using the Myobrace system. There is a general conception that Myobrace treatment should be started only after the babies have developed all their permanent teeth. However, it is not true; children tend to adopt poor oral health habits much before they get their permanent teeth. Therefore, starting the Myobrace treatment at an early age is suggested as it proves the most effective when the child has not yet adopted bad oral health habits.


The Myobrace treatment has four stages:


  • Habit Correction


  • Arch Development


  • Dental Alignment


  • Retention


Stage 1- Habit Correction


The first stage in the Myobrace treatment plan is habit correction. This stage includes teaching the child to breathe through their nose. Many children have the habit of keeping their mouth open and breathing through the mouth, which results in crooked teeth and jaws. Learning to breathe through the nose lets the tongue rest in an accurate position. Additionally, it also assists in swallowing the food in the right way. When a child adopts breathing through the nose, he also begins to hold the lips together when not speaking or eating.


The focus on correcting habits is essential as bad habits cause severely crooked teeth and poor jaws. For example, upon learning the correct way to breathe, the child allows the jaws to recover and grow to their full size. The full-size jaws help in straight teeth development, mitigating the chances of requiring braces later in life.


Stage 2- Arch Development 


It is the upper jaw that requires arch development to allow the needed space for teeth and tongue. In other words, arch development is used to widen the upper jaw. Children above seven years of age who have underdeveloped jaws are advised to use Myobrace appliances in combination with the Farrell Bent Wire system to provide the jaw with a path line to grow. Arch development is a fairly painless stage; a little pressure is applied to widen the jaw; however, it is bearable.


Stage 3- Dental Alignment


The third stage comes into the picture when the last permanent teeth are erupting. The Myobrace is used to provide natural alignment to the teeth. The child needs to comply with the requirement of dental alignment. As the Myobrace appliance is removable, patients tend to remove it at their convenience.


However, the patient must comply with what the doctor has suggested. Generally, the appliance must be worn throughout the day and even overnight while sleeping for alignment purposes. After evaluating the progress, the dentist may also suggest alignment with braces. The braces are combined with the Myobrace appliance; thus, wearing braces is significantly reduced.


Stage 4- Retention


The final stage in this treatment is known as retention. In this step, the doctor ensures that the patient retains good oral habits. When the child retains the required oral habits, it prevents him from wearing a permanent retainer or wire for longer periods. When the braces are removed, dentists generally put a retainer to avoid any relapses from occurring. However, with proper compliance and maintaining oral habits, you can get rid of all the wires and retainers. Myobrace treatments have proved to provide better orthodontic results and an improved overall oral health.


Why should you choose Myobrace therapy? 


– Affordable and effective


– Comfortable and fairly painless


– Can be easily worn while sleeping


– Prevent the need for orthodontics


Is Myobrace an alternative to braces? 


Yes, Myobrace is an alternative to braces. Myobrace is an orthodontic treatment that proves that braces, jaw surgery, and teeth removal are not the only option to straighten teeth. Teeth can be straightened using non-surgical methods and maintain good oral health. However, in some cases, Myobrace may not be completely effective. Hence, the doctor may suggest the use of braces.


Does Myobrace work for both kids and adults? 


Yes, Myobrace can be used for both kids and aging adults. The younger groups aged up to 10 benefit more from the treatment because it is easier for them to adopt new habits. Aging adults have also been taking advantage of Myobrace to modify defects in their teeth without the use of retainers or braces.


How does the Myobrace treatment help in teeth straightening? 


Consistent use of this appliance, along with some habits, result in straight teeth and better functioning. The use of the Myobrace appliance also brings about optimal facial development. Patients have benefited from Myobrace appliance not only for getting rectified teeth but also have improved muscle function and pretty smiles. In addition, they get into the habit of breathing through the nose, which helps them keep their blood pressure and heart rate under control.