Is This Holiday Season Triggering Your TMJ Issues?

It is very normal to feel anxious as the festivities are knocking at your door. The pressure of the holiday season is indeed tough to handle. It is widely known that festivities bring a lot of tension, irritability, fatigue and stress with it. All these negative emotions, affect a lot on your physical health. It brings physical ailments like headaches, sore muscles and jaw pain, which can be coming from underlying TMJ issues also. TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint, is what connects the upper and lower jaws to the skull. This joint helps in chewing, talking and yawning. TMJ disorder or dysfunction is basically the ailments regarding the TMJ joint that affects the TMJ muscles and its surrounding region. These symptoms occur when the joints of the jaws and the muscles that help to chew, do no work in unison.
Read on to know how the holiday season triggers the underlying TMJ disorder and what are the symptoms that you should keep a lookout for.
Piling Up of Tasks
When it is the holiday season, several tasks are bound to come up like the home decoration and cooking for the guests and family. These two are the basic tasks that can bring a lot of anxiety. For a person with underlying TMJ disorder, these are major trigger factors. All the anxiety, irritability and fatigue from these may directly affect you. You could probably have temporary issues or permanent health ailments because of these. How would you know if the ailments are temporary or permanent? They will be temporary when you feel absolutely fine the next day and permanent when you can see those ailments coming back to you after a certain time period. To clear your doubts, you could just search “TMJ specialist near me” and you will find a list of various reputed, skilled and certified surgeons for your consultation.
Symptoms of TMJ Disorder
While you focus on getting your tasks completed, you won’t even understand when your anxiety and exhaustion could lead to symptoms like clenching of teeth(bruxism) and sore neck. But how would you be sure about these symptoms being that of TMJ and not some temporary symptoms. TMJ disorder symptoms are rather very clear. It includes noises such as clicking or popping of the jaw muscles and joint, or grinding. There are other symptoms that could be kept a lookout for. If you face the inability to open your mouth like you used to usually, it is a strong symptom of TMJ. If you feel your jaw locking or catching, change in the way you bite into food and debilitating headaches, you probably should visit a TMJ oral surgeon and get yourself checked thoroughly. There is no need to worry because the TMJ treatment Charlotte NC is exemplary.
TMJ Disorder Affecting Your Life Choices
When the stress triggers the TMJ disorder in you, you would be able to notice how TMJ disorder would have a direct effect on your daily life choices. You would have a high risk of suffering from dental damage due to the vicious cycle of accumulating stress. Your holidays are special, no doubt which is why you should identify the symptoms of TMJ in the earliest. You need to keep your TMJ in check to enjoy your daily life as well as the festivities. You wouldn’t just face dental problems; the pain would become chronic and severe as to reach your neck. Your entire head region and neck would be facing a discomfort due to the pain. Which is why, when you visit an oral surgeon, they would give several exercises to do and if the TMJ gets severe, then they will promptly suggest you an oral surgery.
Be Remedy Oriented
If you have been facing the symptoms during the preparations of the festivities and have been thinking that your ailments can wait, you might have to think again. There are several clinics that provide their services even with the festivities going on like Rolle Oral and Facial Surgery clinic. You can search for “oral surgeons in my area” over Google and head over for a quick consultation. This way you could enjoy the festivities to the fullest as well. If there is no clinic open near you, then you could also follow certain non-surgical techniques to receive some relief until an oral surgeon performs on you. The basic thing would be to apply moist heat and ice to the affected region, to give it some relief. You can also use anti-inflammatories like Naprozen or Ibuprofen like guided on the pack.
These points being mentioned, it is also important to understand that TMJ disorder is an umbrella word that carries several disorders under it. These are but some cautionary points that would help you out during the direst times while preparing for the festivities. But that would not mean that you should not visit an oral surgeon in earnest. TMJ is a disorder which if ignored and not diagnosed soon, can become chronic.