Iodine Demand Expected to Increase Despite Economic Slowdown

According to global iodine forecasts, there is going to be an increasing demand for the mineral. Dealers are likely to contact for Turkmenistan iodine as the country has one of the largest iodine reserves globally. Even with the current economic slowdown, iodine demand will remain high around the world.
Some key factors are driving this contact for Turkmenistan iodine as well as other countries that have the mineral reserve. Let us take a look at them.
Medical Demand
The medical industry is the biggest market for iodine from around the world. Its applications are varied and heavily dependent on the availability of iodine. This is mainly because it is needed for the treatment of certain deficiencies and yet the human body cannot easily make iodine through ordinary nutrition.
Doctors prescribe iodine treatment for patients with thyroid problems and they recommend that it is added to salt for the prevention of goiter. It is also recommended for pregnant women to ensure the healthy development of the fetus in the womb.
Still in the medical field, iodine is used in X-ray and other imaging diagnostic practices. As iodine passes through a medium, it emits radiation. This helps the imaging devices see what is happening within a person’s body. This same procedure can be used in nuclear plants to trace faults within different machines. There are very few elements that can be as effective for imaging.
Since medical demand is not expected to drop any time soon, the demand for iodine is likely to remain high and continue growing into trillions of dollars over the next years.
Agro Demand
Iodine is also on-demand in the agro-industry. Although the medical industry dwarfs this demand, it is still significant enough to make an impact on the world supply of iodine. Huge farms in America and other continents use iodine as a pesticide. It is sprayed on the soils to fumigate them before planting takes place. Methyl iodide is a preferred alternative to methyl bromide. Which is believed to harm the ozone layer
In a related field, there is also demand being pushed by the cattle industry. Iodine is used as an animal feed. Dairy farmers provide their cows with a special kind of salt made from iodine and this increases milk production. It is also given to pregnant cows to ensure healthy calves are born.
School laboratories around the world are expected to continue demanding for iodine to be used in different experiments. One of the most common experiments iodine is used for is to test for starch in leaves. This experiment has been carried out in education for decades and is likely to continue.
It is also needed in medical schools where the students learn about the different medical applications of iodine. If you consider the number of schools around the world that would demand iodine, you have a large global demand that may rival the demand from the medical field although not all schools will have access to iodine for different reasons.
Technology Demand
Iodine is also constantly needed for the production of LED screens. This ranges from small LED calculators and watches right up to large flat screens. The imaging world relies on iodine for polarized films. Even if there would be a drop in the demand for luxury items like flat-screen televisions, there is still enough demand for replacement screens that will fuel demand for iodine in the technology industry. There does not seem to be any plan to replace the element as a component for LED screens so this is a guaranteed demand in the world market.
Chemical Industry
Iodine is needed in the chemical industry for the production of other chemicals. Just like it is needed in school labs, chemical industries are the practical application of what students learn in school. Different industries also use it including the fabrication industry. The automotive industry uses iodine in the production of lightweight metals that can reduce drag on cars.
Countries Likely to Fuel Demand
According to the 2018 report, iodine demand is going to be particularly high in developing countries where the populations are deficient in iodine. India and countries in Africa are among the biggest markets for iodine needed for nutrition. America is also known for a food processing industry that heavily relies on additives that are derived from iodine, it is already pushing the demand for it.
There are many European countries involved in the manufacture of LED screens that will continue to provide a market for iodine.
These are just the major markets for iodine, however, there are many other areas where iodine is used and these will also contribute to the demand. For example, iodine is also used to purify water in areas where tap water is not available. It can also be used to induce rain by spraying it on clouds to produce raindrops. The iodine industry is not widely talked about but it is a big investment for countries and businesses.