How to Test Mattress Firmness Before You Buy: Tips for In-Store and Online Shopping

How to Test Mattress Firmness Before You Buy: Tips for In-Store and Online Shopping

When it comes to buying a mattress, firmness is one of the most crucial factors to consider. The right firmness can mean the difference between restful sleep and a night of tossing and turning. However, testing mattress firmness before purchase can be challenging, especially with the rise of online shopping. This article provides comprehensive tips for both in-store and online shoppers to help you find the perfect mattress firmness for your needs.


Understanding Mattress Firmness


Before diving into the testing tips, it’s essential to understand what mattress firmness means. Firmness refers to how soft or hard a mattress feels when you lie on it. It is subjective and varies from person to person based on body weight, sleeping position, and personal preference.


Firmness Scale


Most mattresses are rated on a firmness scale from 1 to 10:


  • 1-2: Extra soft
  • 3-4: Soft
  • 5-6: Medium Firm
  • 7-8: Firm
  • 9-10: Extra firm


Understanding this scale can help you better communicate your preferences when shopping for a mattress.


Tips for Testing Mattress Firmness In-Store


Shopping in-store allows you to physically test the mattress, which can be incredibly beneficial. Here are some tips to ensure you get the most accurate assessment:


1. Take Your Time


Don’t rush your decision. Spend at least 15-20 minutes lying on each mattress in your usual sleeping position. This will give your body enough time to adjust and provide a more accurate feel of the mattress firmness.


2. Bring Your Own Pillow


If possible, bring your own pillow to the store. This can help you replicate your actual sleeping conditions and give you a better idea of how the mattress will feel at home.


3. Test Different Positions


Make sure to test the mattress in all the sleep positions you typically sleep in. Whether you’re a side sleeper, back sleeper, or stomach sleeper, each position can feel different on the same mattress.


4. Check for Support


Firmness and support are not the same. A mattress can feel soft yet offer excellent support. Ensure that the mattress keeps your spine aligned and doesn’t cause pressure points.


5. Ask About Return Policies


Even with in-store testing, you might find that the mattress feels different at home. Ask about the store’s return or exchange policies to ensure you have the option to return the mattress if it doesn’t meet your needs.


Tips for Testing Mattress Firmness Online


Online shopping for a mattress has become increasingly popular due to its convenience and variety. However, it comes with its own set of challenges. Here are tips to help you test mattress firmness when shopping online:


1. Read Reviews and Ratings


Customer reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into the firmness of a mattress. Look for reviews from people with similar body types and sleeping preferences to get a better idea of how the mattress might feel for you.


2. Utilize Online Tools


Many online mattress retailers offer tools and quizzes to help you determine the right firmness based on your preferences and sleeping habits. These tools can be very helpful in narrowing down your choices.


3. Look for Detailed Descriptions


Pay close attention to the product descriptions and specifications. Look for details about the materials used, the firmness level, and any specific features designed to enhance comfort and support.


4. Check Return Policies and Trial Periods


Most online mattress companies offer generous return policies and trial periods, often ranging from 100 to 365 days. Make sure you understand these policies so you can test the mattress at home and return it if it doesn’t meet your needs.


5. Consider Hybrid Options


Hybrid mattresses, which combine foam and innerspring coils, often provide a balanced feel that can appeal to a wide range of sleepers. If you’re unsure about firmness, a hybrid mattress might be a good option to consider.


Factors Influencing Mattress Firmness Perception


Several factors can influence how you perceive mattress firmness. Understanding these can help you make a more informed decision:


1. Body Weight


Your weight significantly affects how a mattress feels. Heavier individuals may find softer mattresses too saggy, while lighter individuals may find firm mattresses too hard.


2. Sleeping Position


  • Side Sleepers: Typically prefer softer mattresses to cushion the shoulders and hips.


  • Back Sleepers: Often benefit from medium-firm mattresses that provide support while maintaining spinal alignment.


  • Stomach Sleepers: Usually need firmer mattresses to prevent the body from sinking and causing back strain.


3. Personal Preference


Ultimately, personal preference plays a significant role in mattress firmness. Some people prefer the cozy feel of a softer mattress, while others might prefer the solid support of a firmer one.


4. Age and Health Conditions


Age and health conditions, such as back pain or arthritis, can influence firmness preference. For example, those with back pain might benefit from a firmer mattress that offers better support.




Testing mattress firmness before buying is crucial for ensuring comfort and support. Whether you’re shopping in-store or online, taking the time to evaluate your options carefully can lead to better sleep and improved overall health. Remember to consider factors like body weight, sleeping position, and personal preference, and take advantage of trial periods and return policies. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect mattress firmness for your needs.


Author Bio:


Freya Skye is a dedicated sleep enthusiast and writer with a passion for helping others find the perfect mattress for their needs. With years of experience in the sleep industry, Freya shares expert tips and guides on achieving the best possible sleep. Learn more about mattress firmness and other sleep essentials on this website: Mattress Firmness Guide.