How To Keep Your Home Safe Amid COVID-19

Cleaning and disinfecting are essential to curb the spread of the highly contagious coronavirus. With everyone now staying home 24/7, safety is paramount. However, this doesn’t stop you from handling tasks like house cleaning. Professional residential cleaners have appropriate training to limit cross-contamination and curb the spread of germs and disease. The flu season increases the risk of COVID-19 exposure but professional cleaning services are taking additional steps to ensure the safety of staff and clients.
Role of residential cleaners in curbing COVID-19
Cleaning surfaces
Professional cleaners understand the importance of wiping down all common areas and regularly touched surfaces in the home. The cleaners pay extra attention to phones, railings, door handles, elevator buttons, and doorknobs. Although these are part of a basic residential cleaning checklist, the cleaners are taking extra care amid the coronavirus pandemic. This allows lessening chances of infection on these most-touched surfaces.
Handling potential positive cases
In a bid to limit transmission of the virus, cleaning companies don’t allow employees with signs of coronavirus or got exposed to someone with symptoms. These are advised to stay home and get tested. This gives homeowners peace of mind that the cleaning team that comes to your home is virus-free. Customers who tested positive or are in self-quarantine have to wait before calling the cleaners. This is very important to ensure that everyone stays healthy.
Improving safety measures
The coronavirus pandemic is making everyone to become more diligent regarding hygienic practices. Extra cautiousness is the best way for everyone to stay healthy and safe. The potential benefits offset the price of cleaning services in Houston Texas. Appreciating the value and importance of professional cleaning makes it viable for more visits by cleaners during the pandemic. The expert cleaners take extra care to clean and disinfect all surfaces in the household.
Limiting contamination
Before arriving at your residence, the cleaners wipe down all equipment and tools to limit cross-contamination. Equally important is to avoid contact with suspected workers and vendors with symptoms of flu and fever even after testing negative for coronavirus. These are highly advised to self-quarantine and stay away from work until clearance by medics. You also have to wait until clearance before calling the cleaning team.
Staying knowledgeable
The pandemic is continuing to spread costing more lives and making scores sick. This is creating mass hysteria as everyone is trying to keep abreast ofthe latest developments. Residential cleaning companies are keeping abreast of best practices, developments, and CDC mandates. Understanding these recommendations allows the evaluation and improvement of industry best safety practices. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, regular operations of cleaning companies need adjustment to match safety requirements.
Using appropriate cleaning materials
Coronavirus stays on surfaces for hours and days. So, wiping down regularly touched surfaces and other high traffic areas is a priority for professional cleaners. The company should use appropriate cleaning and disinfecting products. These also understand how to apply the materials in appropriate concentrations. This allows all the surfaces cleaned to become free from germs, bacteria, and viruses.
Role of homeowners in curbing COVID-19
Leave shoes at the door
Social distancing is very important amid coronavirus pandemic. However, you have to go out sometime to pick essentials from the local grocery. Since you have no control over where you are passing, there is a chance of coming back home with the virus. To protect your household, leave the shoes at the door. Afterward, wash them before spraying using disinfectant to eliminate the chances of the virus on the soles and laces.
Be where you place handbags and backpacks
Additionally, on coming back home during this period, be mindful of where you place your purse or backpack. Don’t place it on the kitchen table or countertop like before. While traveling, there is a chance of the bag getting into contact with various surfaces. Place it on a storage bench o closet near the front door before cleaning it using a disinfectant. This limit introducing the virus you might have picked up into your home.
Handle TV remote, electronics, and mobile devices cautiously
Now that everyone is home 24/7, the TV remote, smartphone, and computer are among the most used items in the home. However, these are prone to picking up germs and viruses from regular use. The chances of getting infections from using these items during this trying moment are high. Regular wiping of these items is the best way to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Bottom line
Intense home cleaning is essential during this trying moment as the whole world is struggling to curb the spread of the highly contagious coronavirus. Enlisting the services of a professional cleaning company will allow having the most regularly touched surfaces in your home cleaned. Additionally, you have to encourage leaving the shoes outside and washing hands regularly to keep your family safe.