How to Get Your Business ISO 9001-Certified?

ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management systems. The standard has become the world’s most popular business certificate for a good reason: it is recognized globally as a sign of quality, and companies that use this certification enjoy many benefits, including increased revenues, improved customer satisfaction, and reduced costs.
What’s more, ISO certification is an effective way to differentiate your business from competitors. But to get certified, you need to make sure that all of the processes in your organization are documented and followed correctly because only compliant activities will be eligible for assessment against ISO standards.
If you’re ready to get ISO 9001-Certified, here’s what you need to do.
Develop A Quality Management System
The first step in getting your business ISO 9001-certified is to develop a quality management system (QMS) that meets the requirements of ISO 9001. Your business’s QMS system must be designed to ensure that your products and services meet your customers’ needs and that your company is continually improving its operations.
It is recommended that you have your QMS audited by a third party who is accredited to certify against ISO standards and the so9001 process. You can find an auditor through the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA), which maintains the most extensive list of competent and reliable certification bodies in the world.
You should develop policies for each functional area consistent with ISO standards to get started. It includes quality management policies, environmental, health, and safety (EHS) management systems; information security management system (ISMS); business continuity management systems (BCMS), if applicable, etc.
You should also develop processes that map out the specific steps your organization will take to meet customer demands for products or services while performing in line with the policies and procedures of your QMS. These processes should clearly describe how each task is performed, who performs them, and what resources are needed to complete them.
You can create a complete list of documented company policies and key processes using an online template such as ISO Management System Templates. You would then submit this document to your auditor for review to ensure that your QMS meets all the requirements for ISO certification.
Implement your system
Once you have your QMS system in place, ensure that your employees are familiar with it and know how to follow it. All employees must be trained on the QMS system and understand their role in maintaining it. Maintaining your QMS system is an ongoing process, and you will need to make sure that it is kept up-to-date with any changes in your business or the industry.
You will also need to create procedures for dealing with any potential problems or incidents. Additionally, make sure that all of your documents are stored securely. Any changes to these documents should be recorded and stored electronically using an audit trail. Doing so will help protect your business in the future, should you be subject to any audits.
Ensure Your QMS System Is Effective
You should, ideally, do an internal audit every year to ensure you’re maintaining compliance and that all processes are working as efficiently as possible (and if not – take corrective action). Your customers will also appreciate this – they need to know they can trust their suppliers’ products and services.
Register your system
Getting your business ISO 9001-certified can be a great way to show your customers and clients that you take quality seriously. It can also help you improve the quality of your products or services. To get your business ISO 9001-certified, you’ll need to select the appropriate auditing body and register your system with them.
There are many different auditing bodies out there, so it’s essential to select a reputable one and have experience in your industry. Once you’ve found an auditor, you’ll need to register your system with them by completing a questionnaire that includes details about your products, services, and quality management system.
The auditing body will then review this information to make sure it meets the requirements of ISO 9000. If they find any discrepancies or issues that need fixing, you’ll be informed via an audit report. You may also receive recommendations for improvement, which you can then implement to help make your business more efficient and compliant.
Once all the required changes have been made, the auditor will conduct a second audit to ensure that everything has been appropriately corrected. If everything is in order, they’ll issue you with an ISO 9000 certificate which you can proudly display on your website or office wall.
It is crucial to understand the requirements to get a business ISO 9001-certified. The standard sets out specific criteria that must be met for a company to be certified, including having an effective quality management system in place.