How to Get Rid of Cavities at Home?

The best thing to do when you have any dental issues, including cavities, is to see a reputable dentist, such as this dentist Petrie.
However, approximately one in six Australians have a fear of the dentist and may find it difficult to go, even if they have a toothache and a cavity. There are also situations when a cavity is developing and it is literally impossible to get to the dentist, such as during COVID-19 lockdown periods.
If you find yourself in one of these situations you may find the following tips useful to get rid of cavities at home. However, no matter how great the fear, it is advisable to see the dentist as soon as you can. They will do a better job of caring for your teeth and gums.
The best time to prevent a cavity is when the enamel has been breached but the bacteria have not yet made it to the softer inner pulp, known as dentin. And if you need a dental recommendation, visit
Oil Pulling
This sounds ominous but it is actually easy. Take a teaspoon of coconut or sesame land swill it around your mouth for up to 2 minutes. Once done spit the oil out.
There is little scientific proof that this makes a difference. However, one study demonstrated that this technique reduces the number of bacteria and plaque in the mouth as effectively as a mouthwash. Anything that reduces bacteria is good, especially if it helps enamel to remineralize.
Aloe Vera
This is a powerful antibacterial gel that is used for a variety of applications, ranging from cooling bites and stings to improving skin health.
It can also help eliminate cavities at home. Simply place a little of the gel on the affected tooth and leave it there. The antibacterial properties will coat the tooth and kill bacteria on it, as well as protecting it from new ones for a short while.
As well as killing bacteria that cause plaque and cavities, research suggests Aloe Vera can help your enamel to remineralize.
Don’t Consume Phytic Acid
Research completed 90nyeasr ago demonstrated that diets high in phytic acid contribute to tooth decay. It is believed that this acid coats the teeth and prevents the absorption of minerals. More recent research looks at the possibility that this could actually increase the demineralization of enamel, making your teeth more vulnerable.
More research is needed but it may be safer to avoid phytic acid in your food.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D has been shown to strengthen tooth enamel by encouraging the remineralization process. This vitamin has an array of other health benefits, making it a good idea to take it in the supplementary form daily.
You already know that sugar reacts with bacteria in your mouth to create acid that attacks your teeth. Reducing your sugar intake will reduce the likelihood of cavities forming, it really is that simple.
Home Filling
You can purchase home filling kits to fill the cavity yourself. These may be beneficial in an emergency but you should still see a dentist. If done incorrectly you’ll be trapping bacteria under the filing and allowing it to continue attacking your teeth and gums, making the long term effects much worse.