How to Get Junk Out of Your House?

How to Get Junk Out of Your House?

It’s time to kick the clutter habit. When we remove unnecessary junk from our home, it’s both calming and a relief. That said, you may be wondering how you can get rid of it all without driving yourself crazy. One thing you may be considering is furniture removal services. This is important when we realize that our furniture has certainly seen better days. And because of this, we want to make sure that once it is out of our way, it’s recycled responsibly. Or perhaps, even donated.


This is why I want to help you on the journey you are about to embark on. The process of removing junk should be an easy one if you just follow a few key pointers that I am going to list for you. 


So, if you’re looking to get rid of all the junk in your house, then keep scrolling. This will be the ultimate guide in helping you finally live your best life at home. 


The Most Important Question You Must Ask Yourself


Okay, so, I want to help you make a tough call. Your answer to this will pave a good road for you to identify that junk you never knew you had. My question to you is, “What is absolutely essential for you to live a good life?” Sorry for getting all philosophical on you, but I’m not just talking about how you need that marble coffee table you’ve literally never placed a hot beverage on. I’m calling for bare-bone essentials. You know, a fridge to keep your food cold, a bed to sleep on, and those clothes on your back. That may be extreme, but you get the idea.


The answer to this question is key to putting things into perspective. It will help you decide what is truly junk and what is something you would just ‘prefer to keep’. 


Proven Ways to Remove Junk From Your Home


In general, when we think of decluttering, most of us want to stick to the easiest solution. We want to throw everything we no longer need directly into the garbage and be done with it. However, there are definitely many things that we should never label as trash. This is because some of the items we no longer have a purpose for can be repurposed by someone else.


As the saying goes, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” We should hold our items to this standard. We can do this in many ways. This includes donating, recycling, or even upcycling methods. This is also a better way to take care of our environment while getting rid of the junk.


Host a Free Yardsale


If you have the time and energy to plan an event like this, it can be a good way to get rid of anything that you don’t want anymore. You could just place all of your items outside with a “free” sign. That’s how I found the antique lamp in my bedroom, it’s my treasure, but it was once trash.


To manage expectations, don’t think everything will disappear overnight. However, the plus side with this option is that your belongings that do leave your property will go to someone who can appreciate them. So, this can be an efficient way to find some of your items a happy home. 


Recycle Your Old Electronics at Big-Name Stores


It’s important to realize that electronics have NO PLACE in the garbage! This is because they contain toxic chemicals. These chemicals include mercury, lead, and chromium. One of the simplest ways to get rid of the phones and laptops you no longer need is by using an electronics recycling service. One store that provides this service is Staples. They will recycle all of your electronics for free. They don’t care what condition the item is in or the brand name. Their purpose is to help those looking for a responsible way to get rid of old electronics, and spread the word to those who don’t know how.


Sell Your Unwanted Clothes


Is your closet full of clothing you last wore back in 2001? Well, I’m here to tell you, there is a better way. You could replace them with a bit of extra cash. There are a ton of apps and even websites that make the process of selling these clothes an easy one. Some of these websites include ThreadUp, Poshmark, and Depop – even Kijiji has a clothing category. 


For some, the process is pretty simple. You post photos of the clothes that you want to sell. Then, when your item is purchased from someone, you’ll receive a pre-paid, pre-addressed shipping label for your clothing package. It’s a simple transaction that earns you a little extra cash for clothes that no longer fit into your lifestyle. Of course, this process will take time. So, if you’re looking for a quicker way of getting rid of the clothes and could care less about making a buck, there is one final solution I want to discuss. It will help you donate your unwanted threads in a way that will make you feel all good inside.


The Best Method for Junk & Furniture Removal


What’s that? You want to know the fastest and easiest way to get rid of all that junk. This process will make you feel like all you have to do is say ‘Abrakadabra’ and – poof! – it’s gone. 


Furniture removal service. There, I said it. Call me a lazy susan, but sometimes, all I want to do is snap my fingers. In my opinion, this is the most convenient way to dispose of unwanted furniture. However, I also want you to realize that a company that provides these services also offers services for the removal of all of your junk! That ratty-old leather couch is extremely heavy, awkward, and difficult to maneuver. Not to mention, there is hardly a chance of moving it out on your own. If you do, you may cause damage to the floor, ceiling, and doors of your home.


So, when I have junk that I’m ready to get rid of, the easiest way to deal with it is with a furniture removal service. It’s like watching your stuff move to a new home, but you stay put – and you don’t lift a finger. It’s almost harmonious. Just make sure you hire a professional service. They need to be licensed and insured. Look for that ‘free estimate’ too – it’s a vote of confidence on their part. Furthermore, they will be able to assist you with ALL of your unnecessary items. So, when you are ready to take the plunge and declutter your home life – while doing nothing, furniture removal services will do the trick.