How to Formulate an Exceptional Off-site SEO Strategy For Your New Website

If you are running a modern business, you are already familiar with the fact that in order to grow you need a good website. This online platform allows you to generate and convert leads. There is no other way around marketing nowadays, except taking the digital route.
However, what happens if your website is technically well designed and optimized but it is not generating the traffic that you would have hoped for? This requires you to take a deeper look and think about your off-site SEO strategy as well.
However, you shouldn’t worry because there are many ways you can approach off-site SEO, you just have to look beyond your website. Here are five essential tips that will help you formulate an incredible off-site SEO strategy.
Build high-quality links
In the world of digital marketing your website is worth as much as the quality of the connections that you build with other pages. Google as the primary search engine provider values quality websites that have authority. You can significantly boost your authority by creating powerful content that people will want to share.
This is a two-way street, where you share other relevant links while also providing your own value so that people will share your pages in return. Make sure to create content that you are extremely knowledgeable about so that you will be able to offer the most value possible.
The trick is to not create too many links but to create quality links that actually count. You can use various online tools to help you build amazing links. Once you feature quality links and your links get featured as well, your ranking will increase drastically.
Host podcasts
One of the most popular online media formats right now comes in the form of podcasts. There are over 800,000 podcasts on the internet already and over 51% of the U.S. population has listened to at least one podcast episode.
With many people listening to podcasts monthly and even weekly, there is no good reason why you should not leverage this in your off-site SEO strategy. The biggest motivation for this should be the fact that Google has started indexing podcasts as well in their ranking process.
Consider video marketing
In addition to podcasts, another popular option is to create video content. This is a really good option to explore since many businesses gain massive success marketing their products through video rather than textual description. The best thing of all is that you can still link to your other content and also add video transcripts which can include all the relevant keywords for your niche.
Leverage powerful content
In developed countries like Australia there has been a massive change in the way people approach content marketing, with over 60% of the marketers pivoting their strategy. Content marketing is not just purely writing content on your page. It extends to off-site SEO as well.
This is because content is created outside of your website also and it comes in many formats. One of the biggest ways this is achieved is by writing captivating guest posts. For instance, some go-to types of content include infographics and case studies. These kinds of content allow you to provide real data and offer genuine educational value that people can learn from.
Contributions like these truly count because people value things which they can learn from. You can achieve amazing results too, if you get in touch with the SEO experts from Sydney who will help you create a strong and credible online presence. In addition, you can also publish whitepapers and ebooks which offer more room for you to express your content. The best thing of all is that all of these formats can be linked to your social media, PR and link building practices which all serve to boost your brand awareness and ultimately lead to better search engine rankings.
Write Q&As
One of the best ways you can gain immediate authority is by providing valuable and informative answers on some of the most popular Q&A platforms such as Quora, Yahoo and Reddit. If you offer relevant information and provide your site’s signature people will surely visit your page and generate traffic that way. This is also a very good way to boost your online sales, since people like to ask genuine questions before they make any online purchases.
Final comments
Your site’s off-site SEO matters just as much as its on-site counterpart. Luckily, you have the full freedom to develop your off-site SEO strategy and these tips can help you do that.
Build high-quality links, reach new amazing audiences by hosting podcasts with relevant topics, make sure to expand your content marketing strategy and write guest posts, make use of videos and give informative answers on popular Q&A platforms to attract new visitors.