How To File A Claim Against A Hotel or Resort

If you’re considering suing a hotel for negligence, then it’s a good idea to contact a personal injury attorney immediately. When a person files a personal injury claim, and the insurance company sees that they have no lawyer representing them, the lawyers are less likely to give victims what they deserve. There are different defenses that they will try to argue. One common defense is that the victim suffered injuries as a direct result of their breach of duty of care as a guest on the property. Basically, they will try to find a way to pin you as a liable party for your own accident, whether it’s claiming that you weren’t using proper footwear or we’re not following posted rules and regulations, or even not using common sense.
What To Do After An Accident At A Hotel or Resort
It’s important that you follow the right steps after you have been injured at a hotel or a resort. Failure to follow these steps could negatively impact your case. When you are suing, you want to use every advantage possible. By following the steps below, you can prepare yourself as best as possible for a personal injury claim:
- Report the injury immediately to the staff: Every hotel and resort has a policy regarding what to do when a guest is injured. There should be a procedure so you can get medical attention, and an incident report is written up. You should take note of the staff if they are unhelpful, if they seem like they have no clue what to do in the situation (suggesting a lack of training), or if they do not record the incident. If they did write an incident report, you would want to get a copy of that.
- Take pictures and videos: You want to take pictures not only where the injury occurred but of your injuries themselves. If there are any signs of negligence, such as exposed cables or uneven ground, then be sure to get clear.
- Seek medical attention: There are some injuries that are masked because of the body’s reaction to stressors and pain. If you don’t feel pain right away, then it might be due to an adrenaline rush. Never assume that you are fine. Always accept medical help. For example, a sprained wrist or ankle may still feel ok at first but typically become excruciating over the next several hours or days.
After your accident and after you have received the medical treatment, it is time to hire a personal injury attorney to help you file your claim against a hotel or resort. As mentioned earlier, this is wise so that way the insurance company treats you with the respect that you deserve.
The other reason why you should hire a personal injury attorney is that they know the process and can guide you to ensure that you take the proper steps and file the correct paperwork by the appropriate deadlines. Personal injury cases are not always straightforward, and there could be municipal or other local laws that come into play with your case. A personal injury attorney with years of experience and who has successfully handled plenty of legal obstacles is your best bet for getting the most compensation possible for your case.