How to Burn Fat in Little Time Without Losing Muscle

How to Burn Fat in Little Time Without Losing Muscle

Don’t misunderstand me by reading the title of this article. Burning fat is a process that, like gaining lean muscle mass, will take you effort and some time.


Depending on the amount of fat you want to burn, how well you work out your workouts and how to adjust your diet, burning body fat will take more or less time.


To achieve this goal, forget about miracle diets, super complex workouts or magical substances. It is something much easier than all this, you just have to be clear about what you should do, you must get involved and work hard.


There are two determining factors when it comes to getting fat removed. In order of importance, diet and training. In the end, these are always the variables that determine success or failure learning of any of the objectives for which you work in the gym or in any sport.




First of all I want you to know that there is no diet that makes you burn fat, you will burn fat by training .


But you should take into account the diet, since the relationship between the amount of calories you eat and those you consume is the basis for you to start burning fat.


  1. Calorie deficit


You should eat fewer calories than you consume . To gain mucular mass you must eat more than you spend, to burn fat just the opposite.


  1. Progressive caloric deficit


You must carry out a progressive caloric deficit to burn fat and at the same time keep as much muscle as possible.


You should not start with an excessive caloric deficit. I recommend eating at least 80% of the calories you need . That 20% daily of calories that you stop eating will be the caloric deficit of your diet.


A reduced deficit will cause you to lose weight and burn fat with the assurance that you will barely lose muscle mass . That muscle that you have achieved with effort cannot throw it away in your definition period.


Many people make a stage of long and good volume, gaining a lot of muscle, and then they rush to define and end up staying the same. It is a mistake to make a definition with a high caloric deficit .


It is important that you check every 2-3 weeks the amount of calorie deficit you take. That 80% of which I speak, as you lose weight will correspond to a lower amount of calories.


Each time you consume less calories, but it must be done progressively.


For example:


Imagine you weigh 75kg and your body consumes 2000 kcal per day. To carry out a deficit diet, you start eating 1600 kcal daily. After 4 weeks, you weigh 71.5kg and your body consumes 1850 kcal per day. At that time you will no longer be eating 80% of the calories you need, this percentage will be higher. You must recalculate 80% of 1850 kcal.


  1. Caffeine


If you like coffee, use it to speed up your metabolism before training. If you don’t like it, you can buy caffeine pills , they worked very well for me.


In my opinion, which is based on my experience, fat burners do not exist. Sorry, they do exist but they don’t burn fat.


Consuming caffeine, pre-training or fat burners that increase your heart rate will give you extra training intensity and this will accelerate the fat burning process a bit.




Forget about long cardio workouts at low intensity. These types of workouts work but they are boring and take a lot of time.


Several studies have shown that short workouts (between 4 and 20 minutes) at high intensity are ideal for consuming your body fat.


What is high intensity training?


Training with which you carry out a large workload in a short period of time . Your heart rate is high throughout the workout.


Training with intensity means resting little between series and series, working with high weight loads or combining time intervals at high intensity and low intensity.


In short, any training in which you apply a lot of effort and get tired quickly.


Workouts to burn fat and not lose muscle


Then I leave a training that can serve as an example to burn fat with intense work and not throw an hour running on the treadmill of your gym.


I leave one but soon I will create a list of workouts to burn fat .


Tabata with rope


Perform 8 series (20 ″ of work at maximum intensity + 10 ″ of absolute rest) of skipping jumps .


During the working time you should print the maximum effort, performing the maximum number of repetitions in the 20 ″.


If you want to expand the volume of work in this exercise, you can increase the difficulty by doubling the number of series (double tabata), 16 series instead of 8.


You can also do double jump rope instead of simple.




Are you one of those who thinks about burning your abdominal fat in a focused way ? Do you want to take off your belly fat first ?


Sorry to tell you that it is impossible. You cannot burn fat from a certain part of the body in isolation


Doing 1000 abs daily will not take away your abdominal fat.


Body fat will gradually be eliminated, starting with the areas where it is less difficult for your body to remove it.


The fat that has later reached your body will be the one that you will first eliminate and so on until you reach the fat that you acquired the longest.


If you are a woman, surely the fat you eliminate later will be that of the hips. Men take longer to eliminate abdominal fat.




Selena is a blogger and a guest contributor for a well-known brand that includes MESHEBLE . In her leisure time, she plays tennis.