How Long Does Juvederm Last?

How Long Does Juvederm Last?

What is Juvederm?


Juvederm is a popular type of filler that can minimize or reverse some of the obvious signs of aging from your face, like fine lines and wrinkles. These fillers are also used to fill up certain areas of the face to give the skin some volume, and to pump up the lips.


The form of the sterile gel found in Juvederm is made from hyaluronic acid, which is designed to imitate the same acid that is naturally found in our skin. How long does Juvederm last?


How long does the filler last?


There are a number of factors to consider here, and for different patients, the Juvederm filler therapy can last for different periods.


There are different types of products used in a different part of the face; some are more robust, and will last longer (some last as long as two years to five years), and others are lighter and more flexible, which also means they last for a shorter period (up to one year or so).


Another big factor that needs to be considered here is the natural makeup of every individual. Each person has a different metabolism and the rate at which our bodies break things down varies from one person to another meaning that with filler like Juvederm, each individual will go through their own experience.


There are also a few ways to enhance the results, such as avoiding alcohol during the first couple of weeks, and avoiding direct sunlight.


One thing is the same for every person that decides to get Juvederm filler: you can get another injection as soon as you notice the effects of the previous one fading; you do not have to wait until it has completely worn off, you can schedule another procedure right away, and let your body to naturally process the filler.


How does the filler work?


The filler is injected into a target area, and once it is in there, it starts to move through the skin, filling in hollows, smoothing out lines and wrinkles, and instantly improving your look. After that, it begins to break down and enter the dermal tissue, binding to the water molecules. The result is wonderfully hydrated and flexible skin.


What side effects can you expect?


The most common side effect you can expect from a Juvederm filler are swelling, redness, bruising, and tenderness; they usually disappear in about one to two weeks. There are a few more serious side effects, which include skin discoloration, allergic reaction, lumps, infection, more severe swelling, and skin necrosis. To reduce the risk of severe side effects, make sure you choose a certified specialist, a dermatologist, or a plastic surgeon, to do the procedure.


What are the pros of using dermal filler like Juvederm?


Dermal fillers are extremely non-invasive, and the results are immediate; you will start seeing the improvements right after the procedure. These fillers are FDA-approved, and because they are made of hyaluronic acid, which is the body’s natural substance, they are very safe and non-toxic.