How Dental Implants Can Help Retain Your Beautiful Smile

How Dental Implants Can Help Retain Your Beautiful Smile



A beautiful smile can send a message before you even speak a word. However, for those of us that may be self-conscious about our teeth, how can we achieve a beautiful, flawless smile in a safe and effective way?


If you suffer from broken or missing teeth, a deteriorating jaw, or infection in your mouth, you may have considered dental implants at some point in your life. Basically, dental implants are artificial roots that are made of metal and placed into the jawbone to act as a foundation for holding in an artificial tooth. 


Dental implants are extremely natural looking and can be an alternative to dentures. They are made to bond with bone and create a seamless base for artificial teeth. If you are in need of dental restoration and are looking to improve your smile, this could be a great option for you.


When to Get Dental Implants


If you are considering getting dental implants for your missing or chipped teeth, you may be wondering when is the right time. If you notice that your teeth are missing, chipped, or cracked, you will need to see your dentist right away to discuss your options and potentially receive dental implants. Waiting any longer could cause further issues, discomfort, and possible infections in the mouth. 


You may be a good candidate for dental implants if you have an untreated infected tooth or teeth, if you wear dentures and they do not fit correctly or stay in place, and if you have a weakening or deteriorating jawbone. 


Normally, to be considered for implants, you should be in good health with relatively healthy gums and bone. While it can be a great option for many, implants may not suit all cases. It’s important to speak with your dentist about which treatments are most appropriate for you.


How Dental Implants Work


Before having your dental implants attached, your dentist will have to fully examine your head, jaw, and the inside of your mouth to develop an accurate treatment plan. Your dentist will also review your medical and dental history with you to ensure you are a good candidate for the process. 


After developing a treatment plan, your dentist will review this with you, and discuss a date and time for the treatment to take place. Make sure you ask any questions you may have to get a thorough understanding of what areas your dentist will be working on and what may be needed from you.


At the time of your appointment, you will be under local anaesthesia, so the areas worked on during the procedure are completely pain-free. The surgery consists of initially having the implant placed into your jaw and usually takes several hours. 


After 3-6 months, the implant should be covered over with gum tissue and ready to be attached to a post. This will usually be a separate procedure. The last step will be for your dentist to attach a crown (artificial tooth) to your implant post. The crown is made specifically for you and matched to your existing teeth for a natural look. 


Keep in mind that with dental implants, multiple procedures are typically needed and the whole process can take several months. You will need to commit to the aftercare that your dentist prescribes and attend follow-ups regularly to keep your dental implants healthy.


What to Expect After Dental Implant Surgery


It’s important to follow the instructions from your dentist or medical professional after going through dental implant surgery. You can usually start eating an hour or two after your surgery. Try to avoid hot foods right after surgery, and stick to soft foods that are easy to eat for the first 24 hours. 


During the first few days, you may feel symptoms such as bleeding, nausea, swelling, and pain. Don’t do anything to disturb the healing process or the wound, avoid drinking from straws, which could cause irritation, and take any medication as prescribed by your doctor. If swelling occurs, keep icing the area for the first couple days after surgery. 


On top of this, keep up with regular oral hygiene, which includes brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily. You will want to stay away from chewy foods such as nuts, seeds, popcorn, candies, or anything that could easily get stuck in your teeth for at least six weeks after your initial surgery.


Pros and Cons of Dental Implants


Some of the main advantages of dental implants are that they are durable, long-lasting, reduce the risk of gum disease by keeping teeth intact, and match your natural teeth for a beautiful look. 


If you have ever lost or chipped a tooth, you can understand the pain, misalignment, and discomfort it causes. Often, it’s not just a matter of aesthetics, but of function as well. You may have issues with chewing, speaking, and function in general. 


Another benefit of dental implants is that the process stimulates the jaw to rebuild itself. Your dental implants become secure and firm in your jaw (not removable like dentures), so they are reliable, convenient, and comfortable for your daily life.


While there are many benefits to having dental implants, as opposed to dentures and other tooth replacement procedures, there are always a few drawbacks as well. On average, dental implants are usually costlier than other methods, although they do last longer. 


This may be a deciding factor for you, depending on your budget. Another factor to consider is the lengthy process and surgery involved with the procedure. Often, there are multiple procedures involved, including follow-ups and aftercare for many months. Be sure to keep this in mind before making your decision.




Ultimately, while it can be a major process to have dental implants placed and be fully recovered, it is worth the wait and effort in the end. Not only will you have a beautiful smile, but dental implants can also improve your speech, give you a more youthful look, improve your oral health, and boost your self-confidence.


Remember to consult with your dentist, follow your aftercare, and stay away from the foods that can impede your healing. Soon enough, you’ll have the smile you’ve always dreamt of.