How can Pet Owners Have a Cleaner Home?

If you have pets in your home, it’s no secret that they’re messy. Their fur gets everywhere, and their (accidental) puddles stain our carpets. After all, we love them so much that it’s worth it to clean up after them! But how can we keep our homes cleaner when we have furry friends running around? We’ve got some tips for you:
Get a true HEPA vacuum
If you’re a pet owner, the best way to keep your home clean is to invest in a true HEPA vacuum. HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air filter and it’s used on vacuums that are designed to be cleaner and more effective than regular vacuums. These vacuums typically have larger filters that trap allergens and other particles, which means they can also be used on hardwood floors (unlike some other types of vacuums) without being too heavy or awkward to move around. They’re also easy to replace when they wear out after about 12 months of use—and replacing them will save you money in the long run because you won’t need to buy new ones as often!
Pick out washable pet beds and seating
If you’re looking to have a cleaner home, washable pet beds and seating are your best bet. Pet owners can easily wash these items in the washing machine, making them easy to clean. Washable pet beds can also be hand-washed by owners. This is a great option for those who want to maintain their pets’ comfort level but don’t want to deal with cleaning up after accidents.
Vacuum daily, and don’t forget to add a dry mopping routine to your weekly cleaning schedule
The best way to keep your home clean is to vacuum every day. A lot of people think they can get away with vacuuming once a month or less, but that’s not enough! If you want your house to stay fresh and tidy, the best thing you can do is vacuum it at least once every day.
It’s important to use a pet-safe vacuum cleaner when cleaning up after your pets. This will ensure that you don’t accidentally harm them as they crawl around on their daily rounds in the house. Using a regular household model will just mean more cleanup later on; this extra work should be avoided whenever possible.
Give your pets frequent baths at home or take them to the groomer often
Cleaning up after your pet is an important part of keeping your home clean. A good rule of thumb is to give them a bath at least once a week, but you can bathe them more often if they start to smell or get dirty more often than that. When you’re giving your pet a bath, it’s important to use shampoo and conditioner made specifically for animals so the chemicals won’t be too harsh on their skin. To protect the floors, place down either a rubber mat or towel before getting started with the shower head and cleaning supplies. Use good brushes during your bathing sessions—you’ll want one that cleans deep into their fur and gets everything out without hurting them! And don’t forget: while they’re in there enjoying their baths (or not), make sure you also clean their ears!
Schedule cleanings for your carpets and upholstery
Scheduling a cleaning for your carpet and upholstery can make a big difference in how clean your home looks. In addition to keeping dirt from piling up on the floors, it also helps keep allergens under control.
Schedule regular carpet cleaning: If you have carpets and pets, chances are you need much help from professionals of carpet cleaning services in Newcastle. If the carpets in your home haven’t been cleaned in a while (or ever), then they may be packed full of dust mites and other allergens that need to be removed as quickly as possible.
Schedule regular furniture cleaning: Upholstered furniture such as chairs and couches should be cleaned at least every six months, so they don’t become moldy over time, with no one noticing until it’s too late! This is especially important if they’ve recently been brought into contact with pets who shed fur all over them (which happens more often than not).
Make sure you have enough lint rollers on-hand
If you have pets, this one is for you. Pet hair can become a big problem if left unchecked and is often the main culprit in that “lived-in” look we try to avoid in our homes. But with a lint roller (or two or three), you’ll be able to get rid of pet hair on furniture, rugs, clothing, and more—and do it quickly!
You can buy them almost anywhere: grocery stores, drugstores, and even dollar stores have them in their aisles.
Invest in pet-safe stain and odor removers
Another way to make your house more pet-friendly is to invest in pet-safe stain and odor removers. These products are designed specifically with animals in mind, so they’re safe for your pets. They also work well on carpets, furniture, and other surfaces that pets or their messes have soiled. Plus, you can find these products online at a reasonable price—it’s an investment worth making!
By following these tips, you’ll be able to have a cleaner home without having to spend all of your time cleaning up after your pets. You’ll be able to focus more on enjoying their company and less time worrying about stains or odors.