How Can an AI-Driven Advanced Focus Market Research Agency Boost Your Company’s Output?

Your company’s productivity is only one component of its success in the short-term, but in the long run, it’s everything. Why? Because a company’s ability to expand its standards over time depends wholly on its capacity to increase its productivity per worker. The only viable way for companies to become wealthier is to keep getting incremental outputs from the same number of inputs. In other words, the amount of labor it takes to generate leads should decrease over time. Or else, a company isn’t truly successful. So, by this definition, how can companies achieve ‘success’ in marketing? The use of artificial intelligence (AI) promises amazing results.
AI and Marketing
We’re currently seeing AI-driven tools undertake more and more responsibilities. Consequently, the costs of general services are going down rapidly. For instance, in the past, human operators would charge substantial fees for responding to customer queries. Now, AI chatbots can do the same tasks for virtually zero fees. Just look at the top-performing companies that use AI tools for substantive tasks.
A recent study by Adobe revealed that top-performing companies are twice as likely to invest in AI technology for marketing performances than low-budget companies. What activities are these top-performing companies investing in? Data analysis and personalization of messages are the two most commonly cited use cases for AI-driven tools.
AI-Powered Personalization
The most successful marketing tales almost always involve decisions driven by ‘gut feelings.’ People cite examples like Henry Ford doubling his employees’ wages in 1914 to trigger an unprecedented increase in productivity or Uber’s Travis Kalanick sticking to his dynamic pricing concept when the whole industry advised him not to. The problem with these tales is that they’re so rare. The bigger problem relying on gut feeling, especially in modern-day marketing, is that it doesn’t have statistical data to back it up. Plus, we never hear tales of gut feeling-driven marketing going wrong.
ROI isn’t based on ‘gut feelings.’ Setting marketing objectives using instinct is a quick and useless process. On the other hand, strategically gathered and analyzed data can provide tangible and quantifiable metrics by which products, marketing operations, and lead generations can be calculated. For instance –
- AI tools provide judicious analyses of your consumer’s past purchasing behavior (spending habits, products/services they’re interested in, etc.).
- Based on these analyses, you can customize your eCommerce homepages.
- Customers get to view products they’re most likely to purchase on your homepage.
Instead of using listings and product images that your ‘gut feeling’ tells would work, the AI-powered engine generates a lively website that’s highly-personalized for specific customers.
The chances of securing higher conversions and retaining customers are much higher, that too with nominal effort! Customers have become accustomed to personalized messages. Major corporations like Amazon and Google have incorporated personalized messages at every stage of their purchasing journeys to such an extent that they simply won’t settle for less. Without leveraging the power of AI-driven tools, it’s impossible to collect in-the-moment insights, especially when their preferences and demands change all the time.
An AI-driven advanced focus market research agency helps businesses create and deliver tailor-made customer experiences by –
- Creating highly targeted content.
- Help businesses improve their decision-making and spending capacities.
- Drive personalization programs.
- Carry the workload of creating or selecting marketing messages to free up human time. The human workforce can focus on strategic thinking and planning while the AI-powered tools scale, test, assess, and filter ideas.
- Provide valuable insight into the customer bases’ behavioral patterns to make smarter marketing decisions.
- Create hundreds of iterations of similar marketing messages and use data analytics to rank each idea depending on how likely they are to impact the target audience.
These AI-driven marketing research agencies do not hamper human intuition – they merely help companies differentiate between ineffective ‘hunches’ and inspired ideas.
Thinking Machines are Available Now
AI-driven tools can now execute cognitive tasks, demonstrate extensive abilities in pattern-recognition, create complex marketing messages, and use data to figure out what certain groups of customers may or may not like. Some instances of AI-driven marketing tactics that have been extremely successful include –
- Basic Filtering: Several websites currently use basic AI and machine learning tools to customize the content visitors see. The tailoring of content is based on individual and universal data sets. For instance, the website will use the user’s previous history on the website and trending articles to create a customized homepage.
- Collaborative Filtering: On high-traffic websites like Netflix or Etsy, customers are grouped into different segments based on their collective preferences. These ‘groups’ receive similar AI-driven recommendations when they visit these websites.
- Segmented Email Messaging: With predictive analytics and AI-driven content creation, marketers can segment their emails and send relevant information to target customers.
These successful applications prove why 40% of the country’s leading marketing and sales departments prioritize AI and machine learning. Business leaders view AI as a crucial contributor to creating seamless customer experiences (personalization of messages). On the other hand, AI-powered data analytics helps marketers improve their prediction capabilities when it comes to decoding what their target customers may want.