Green Architectural Solutions that Can Save You Money

Green Architectural Solutions that Can Save You Money

Across the country, people are becoming aware that, besides unquestionable ecological benefits, green homes also have a few money-saving perks. Power saving devices, low-flow plumbing, and efficient lighting are some of the most popular ways of turning a home green. However, here we’ll focus on architectural solutions that can save your money and benefit the environment.  


Passive home design


It is widely known that strategically positioned windows and skylights can do wonders in flooding your home with natural light and cutting your electricity bill. This layout is welcoming in winter, when you need all the solar radiation you can get, it can become a problem in summer when you try everything to cool your home and the sun keeps heating it up. This can be prevented by placing trees in front of your windows, so in summer thick canopies shade the windows and in winter they let more sunlight in. 


Energy-efficient windows


Energy-efficient windows


It has been estimated that as much as 25% of a home’s heat is lost through its windows. If you decide to replace them, go for the most energy-efficient model on the market you can afford. Old single pane windows are extremely inefficient in either blocking the heat from escaping or from entering the cool home, so you need to replace those with double-pane models. If your home design revolves around large windows that take all the advantage of surrounding vistas, consider super-insulated windows with triple panes with argon in between and sight seals around the edges. 


Solar panels


If you want to move from a passive to an active role in reducing the electricity bill green, the next step are photovoltaic panels on your roof. They are a great way to produce your own electric power and cut a hefty piece off your monthly energy bill. Many areas even offer refunds from the energy company. Smart solutions enable homeowners who have an appropriately sized solar system and battery to get $0 electricity bills. The system is based on energy packages, similar to mobile monthly plans. If you don’t go over a set amount of energy per year you pay just a fixed monthly fee and zero for spent kilowatts. Just pay attention to the features as well, as some are more suitable for homes than others, like the Sunny Boy inverter component, for example, which is a great choice for residential buildings.


Green construction materials


Green construction materials


Another thing you should consider is using recycled materials, like glass, wood, drywall, or steel. By doing so, you’d get to save some money instantly, as such materials naturally cost less to “create.” Plus, there are also many renewable sources you can use, like bamboo. It’s a good way to save some money without sacrificing quality, and some of the options, like metal roofs, for instance, also come with inherent cooling properties, which means that you’d be spending less on your AC unit too.


Green up your flooring


Nothing makes an old house feel entirely new as new flooring. Putting looks on the side, installing new floors might be a good choice, health-wise. Many of the earlier manufactured parquets, laminates and linoleums, contain harmful matters, like formaldehyde, which are gradually released into the air you breathe. Some of the greener materials to use are bamboo, cork, Marmoleum, glass tile and reclaimed wood.


Install water-saving fixtures


Install water-saving fixtures


Although it’s not exactly an architectural feature, your kitchen and bathroom appliances are an essential part of your home. Today, water preservation is more important than ever before, and installing water-saving fixtures in your home is something you should think about. From dual-flush toilets to low-flow faucets, there are many different options on the market that can fit your home. For example, there are also many washing machines and dishwashers that use less water. By installing such fixtures, your entire home would become much more eco-friendly, and you’d save a lot of money on water bills over time.


Bottom line


Studies show that a green home can cut heating and cooling bills in half. Opting for green architectural solutions is not only a smart financial move but an effort in improving the quality of your life.