Good Camper Mattresses Make Camping Great

It has been said that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. In this saying is packed a value for play. Play, it seems to say, makes us sharp and smart, intelligent and wise, lively and energetic. How indeed has play come to achieve all these? Play, in that saying, is simply the opposite of work. It does not necessarily mean running around as toddlers and children do – it could also literally be that.
Play is that which does the opposite of what work does to you. Work stretches and stresses you. Work wears you out. Work drains you physically and mentally. You can now see why play, doing the opposite of work, leaves you smart, wise and energetic.
Play is simply another word for recreation. To achieve recreation, one must partner with leisure as you would see here. According to the Encarta Dictionary, leisure is “free time: time in which a person has no work responsibilities or obligations, and therefore is at liberty to take part in fun activities.” So, free time from work makes it possible to engage in recreation/play.
Recreation offers much value even health wise. It is no surprise that recreation has become a therapeutic alternative to certain conditions, like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and much more.
With Every ‘What’ There Is a ‘Where’
For all kinds of play or recreation, there comes with it a venue. Some recreational activities are well suited for indoors, some others can only be done outdoors while some can equally be done outdoors or indoors.
One great option for recreation is camping. Camping is an outdoor kind of recreation. Being out door, one of its great benefits is the fresh air it affords you. Staying in our usually clustered cities, with all sorts of fumes oozing from vehicles, industrial machines, and so much more, fresh air becomes highly covetable. You just need a time outdoor, outside the city, to appreciate the value of pristine air.
With fresh air is added the value of scenic views that come with outdoors, especially when you go closer to nature: a mountain side, a lake or river side, in the woods, and all such. You will realize the spiritual and physical invigoration certain environments come with. This is simply another way of saying that camping is a stress alleviator!
Because camping happens outdoors, it offers you greater chances of physical activity, leading to physical exercise which is equally therapeutic. Most camping are not done alone; so, whether in twos, three or more, camping offers you a great opportunity to improve your relationships with your fellow campers. You can see more benefits of camping here: Generally, camping just helps you to unplug from the hustle and bustle of city life. It is comparable to recharging the batteries of your gadgets, or a reboot.
Campers and Your Recreation
When going on a camping trip, certain consideration must be made. You do not just stroll off into the woods without consideration of how you will be passing the night, how you will feed and other necessities. Camping has been made much better with recreational vehicles called campers. These are vehicles equipped like a mini home that provides you with the necessities of a home: a bathroom, bedroom, and such.
Something to consider greatly when you are making your camping plans is your sleeping arrangement. You went out camping to get refreshed and not to get stressed. Unfortunately, if you do not figure out how to get a good sleep while camping, you will surely end up with fatigue than with energy.
Your camp mattress must be such that reinvigorates you and not one that wears you out. Sadly, there are many mattress options that will do the later rather than the former. So, knowing about camper mattresses comes handy. Amongst many things you have to consider about your camper mattress is size. There are the king size, which includes the eastern king and the cal-king; the queen size, which includes the short queen and the Olympic queen. Others are the bunk, twin, three-quarter and full sizes.
Having known there are quite an assortment of mattress with regards to size, you need to be sure of its fitting within your camper before any purchase. You do not want to be stressed out trying to fit your mattress, before and after every camping. If it is too thick, it will only be suitable for a small number campers as closing will be an issue, especially for pop-up campers. Secondly, installing them such that they are near the ceiling –because of size– is equally odd.
Go For Mattresses That Leave You Revitalized
Air mattresses are equally worth considering. Some however find it uncomfortable. They are prone to being punctured and they are usually without insulation; some inflatable top pop up camper mattresses though do have some insulation.
To deal with the absence of insulation, some use memory foams on top of the inflatables, others add some other form of insulating material between the mattress and the floor. Without these, inflatables could be compared to sleeping on ice in very cold weather. Do not forget though to make sure that when you stack all these to your camper mattress, you still have enough space when you close the roof.
Your camping experience should be refreshing. Everything that is meant to be part of your camping experience should aid in the actualization of this goal and this includes your camper mattress.