Getting Out with the Kids While Socially Distancing

Each new season brings its own unique qualities, and as autumn is well and truly upon us, it is a great time to get out and explore, especially when you have children to entertain. For many parents this year, the challenges will not be limited to ensuring that their children have the appropriate wellies and hats and gloves to enjoy the colder weather. They will also be making sure that they pay attention to the social distancing rules that are currently in place.
As any parent will tell you, children and social distancing are not natural bedfellows, but here are a few activities you could plan that are not only perfect for this time of the year but also great for following the social distancing rules and also won’t see you making any unnecessary travel under the current lockdown stipulations.
Go to the beach
The wonderful thing about beaches is they are big open spaces, so it is easy to keep your distance from other people. Ensure that you wrap up warmly though as it can be a little bit windier and colder on the beach than inland. Exploring the coast in the winter months is a good activity that will occupy your children for as long as you want. Whether it’s peering into rock pools, looking at shells on the beach or creating a trail of footprints in the wet sand they’re sure to have a ball. Of course, children and water do not always make the perfect combination so you might want to consider packing a change of clothes and a good quality changing towel like this one from booicore in your bag so that your fun isn’t spoiled by complaints of cold, wet feet or clothing.
Visit the park
If you are fortunate enough to have a family-friendly park locally, then why not plan a visit. This might be a popular activity with other families so to ensure that you maintain social distancing it might be a good idea to avoid things like the swings and the slides. Instead, why not take a football to kick around if there are plenty of open spaces or perhaps take the kids scooter and let the children burn off some of that excess energy by taking the scenic route around the park, being careful to avoid getting close to other people en-route.
Played for decades by children, conkering, and of course collecting conkers is a traditional autumn activity for many families – just remember to leave some conkers behind for nature. If you want to find the best conkers, then look for a wooded area with horse chestnut trees in abundance. There may even be some in your local park. Looking for conkers is a great activity to combine with a family walk and a great way to ensure your children are getting fresh air and exercise without too many complaints. Don’t forget; you should be looking for conkers that are uncracked, firm and symmetrical.
We are blessed to have some genuinely fantastic countryside here in the UK, and if you have somewhere local that you can travel to within the current lockdown restrictions, then there is no better time to do so. Remember to take the appropriate safety measures if you will be going off the beaten track. These include taking a few emergency snacks, a compass and map, a fully charged mobile phone, and of course some extra warm layers of clothing. This is an excellent activity for the whole family, and a great way to bond with your older kids. And if you have older kids, why not keep them entertained along the way by getting them to keep their eyes open for interesting things.
There are plenty of options open to you if you want to make the most of the great outdoors this season. Just remember to pack carefully, taking the changes in weather into account, and you’re sure to have a great time.