Get the Hair You’ve Always Wanted with These Tips

Having a great head of hair is something that we all dream of having.
For many of us though, our hair—or lack thereof—becomes a major insecurity point. It seems that everyone else has voluminous, bouncy, and thick hair except you.
But the truth is, you can have the hair you’ve always wanted. All you have to do is integrate a few tips and trial out strategies that can help you have a great head of hair.
From your washing techniques to hair procedures you can get from professionals like Dr. Jae Pak, we’ve rounded up the top hair tips to get you feeling confident in your new head of hair!
Here is how to get the hair you’ve always wanted.
Get a haircare routine
Consistency is key when it comes to having great hair. This means that you should be washing your hair regularly and thoroughly so that your scalp and hair follicles remain healthy. The more consistent you are with washing your hair, the less oil or dandruff will develop on your scalp. And the real secret to great hair is to maintain a healthy scalp! Without a healthy scalp, your hair follicles will fall out and break way too easily. So be diligent with your hair care routine!
Try shampoos that are right for you
Not all shampoos are created equally. Try getting a shampoo that is right for your specific head of hair. This means that you may need one without chemicals, with an extra thick moisturizer or shampoo designed for a range of scalp conditions. Not all hair is created equal and neither is shampoo! So don’t go for the cheapest, go for the one that is designed to help you get the head of hair you want.
Minimize styling tools
While sometimes you want to use styling tools like a hairdryer or gel to make your hair go in the specific style you’re after, these tools if used too much can damage your hair and scalp. So save these for special occasions and embrace going natural. This means letting your hair dry and form naturally.
Get a quality brush or comb
This one is often overlooked too. But the type of comb or brush you use can impact the health of your hair. If the comb or brush is not designed well, you risk breaking hair follicles when you brush it through your hair. Oh, and another tip—never brush your hair when wet! Make sure you dry it first.
Have a healthy routine
A good head of hair is also largely dependent on our daily health habits. Drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet with essential nutrients will only aid in making our hair stronger and healthier. So drink that water and eat those vegetables—they will help you get the head of hair you want!
Consider hair transplant procedures
If you have a balding issue or find your hair thinning and nothing else seems to be working, consider getting a hair transplant procedure by a certified professional. They will be able to use hair follicles on other parts of your body and transplant them onto your scalp—aiding in regenerating your once lost hair follicles. You’ll be stunned by the results and have a thick head of hair once again before you know it!
There are plenty of ways to get the hair of your dreams. Just remember that each person’s hair is different and so these tricks will work differently for them—keep trying and you are certain to find a way to give you the hair of your dreams.