Garden Pots and Their Varieties

Living in the 21st century, we have grown up seeing deforestation wherein trees are being cut down for the construction of buildings, roads, conglomerates, and many more. Trees and plants play a vital role in the lives of us humans. Lush green leaves, the greenery apart from being an eye soother, also bring along with it several benefits.
Awareness has been created in human beings, making people understand the adverse effect of deforestation and its impacts, so initials have been taken by the government and many to save the plant, afforestation and many other ways as well. Plants not only gives us fresh oxygen to breathe, reduces soil erosion, holds water in the soil, helps in bringing rain, provides fruits and vegetable, provides medicines and many other, but the list is also endless.
Gardening is the practice of growing plants and cultivating them. This is also a part of horticulture. Gardening is considered to be a relaxing activity for many people. In gardening mostly ornamental plants are grown for their appearance, useful plants are also grown for vegetable, fruit, and herbs for consumption, plants are also grown for dyes, for medical or cosmetic uses.
Gardening tends to be a labour intensive process, which contributes to the active participation in the growing of plants. However, it is very much different from farming and forestry. Gardening can be specialized with one type of plant being grown, or it can be a mixed planting wherein a large number of different plants are grown.
Gardening can be of various types. It ranges from plantation of trees on a wide street in a town or city with one or more different types of shrubs, trees, and herbaceous plants. It can be a fruit orchid, residential back garden that might include a lawn or foundation planting. It can also be container gardens which can be grown inside or outside.
Container gardens can be done in different types of garden pots. These garden pots vary in shapes, sizes, material, design and many more. Let us look into some of these varieties of garden pots that are available for plantation and gardening:-
- Metal Garden Pot: Metal container as garden pots gives a modern feel. For plantation in a metal container, plants need to be chosen carefully as these plants needs to be able to withstand heat and drought. Metal garden pots can be placed near a water source, because metal can heat up the soil, so watering the plants might be required frequently.
- Raised Garden Pot: These garden pots are made up of solid wood, as solid wood has provided great water retention capacity. However, some of these containers which are twig-constructed might need to be lined inside with water-resistant material before filling up the soil.
- Concrete Garden Pot: These pots are very heavy in weight. These pots provide a traditional pattern with angular lines. The concretes provide good insulation for soil, moisture loss, and moderating soil temperature. Because of the heavyweight, these pots cannot be moved from one place to another frequently. It is advisable to place the pots where we want to plant and then plant.
- Terra-cotta Garden Pots: This is an age-old tradition of planting a sapling in terra-cotta or earthen pots. These pots come in various sizes, styles, and shapes. This type of pots work well in a shady area, and for growing Mediterranean herbs. These types of pots which are unglazed terra-cotta are porous and dry out quickly.
- Stone Pots: Stone garden pots provide the garden with a sense of graceful style. This type of pots provide a frost-proof material for cold regions, protects from moisture loss and heat along with insulation of the soil. This type of pot is a bit pricey. However, it lasts a lifetime and beyond.
These are some of the garden pots that are available for gardening inside or outside. However, there are many others as well, which are available online as well as offline (shops). Beautiful garden pots not only help in the plantation and gardening but also enhance the beauty of the garden.