Four Reasons to Choose Underfloor Heating System Over a Conventional Radiator System

Most homeowners are moving towards an underfloor heating system as it seems a much better option than the traditional radiator system. For a modern, luxurious, and cozy home, an underfloor heating system is a perfect choice. A lot of people are still unaware of this system and its innumerable advantages. So, they opt for the conventional radiator system but end up spending a huge amount of money on the electricity bill. Basically, an underfloor heating system is installed under the floor where the heating is spread evenly on every inch of the floor. Since the heat is spread evenly on the floors, people have a cozy feeling while walking on the floors. There are two different types of heating systems. This includes the electric heating system and the water heating system. The electric heating system uses a bunch of electric wires or electric sheets to warm up the room within the flooring or below the flooring. The water heating system uses hot water under the floor via the pipes from the boiler to heat up the room. The underfloor heating is placed on the top layer of floor insulation to ensure the heat warms up the room from the ground to the top without wasting it through the floor. There are innumerable reasons why the underfloor heating system is considered a better option than the conventional radiator. Let’s take a look at the following:
It Provides A Better Heating System
The underfloor heating system provides a better heating system than the conventional radiator. Also, each of the rooms has its own thermostat to enable users to set up different temperatures in their rooms. Sometimes, these radiators are fitted with these thermostatic valves which can be unreliable. So it’s better to conduct thorough research before installing an underfloor heating system. One can easily find cheap underfloor heating system if he conducts a thorough research. If these are installed by reliable and professional people, the underfloor heating system can provide a couple of competitive advantages to the users.
People can save their money by setting low temperatures in their rooms. After all, individuals have different needs when it comes to the room temperatures. Some people feel colder than others. In such cases, having a dedicated thermostat provides more personalized heating to each of the rooms of the house. However, when it comes to radiators, it not only takes up a lot of space but also it’s unable to provide a personalized heating experience.
It’s More Energy Efficient
Both the electric and water based underfloor heating system provides energy efficient heating in a room. The traditional radiators need to be preheated in order to warm up the room properly. In this case, it will consume more energy than the underfloor heating system. In the case of the underfloor heating system, it doesn’t need to be pre-heated. One can save their cost on electricity by opting for the right type of underfloor heating system. Also, the underfloor heating system can be run efficiently using all sources of energy. It includes solar energy, gas, thermal, or anything.
This isn’t the case with traditional energy systems. However, the floor coverings also need to be taken into consideration while choosing an underfloor heating system. The material used for flooring will have a significant impact on the quality of heating that these underfloor heating systems will provide. If the floor is made of ceramic or parquet, it will require more energy to heat up the floor evenly. But if the floor material is chosen carefully, people can save a significant amount on their electricity bill.
You Will Get More Space Around
In the case of the traditional radiator heating system, people used to get a little space to use it for other purposes. But the underfloor heating system doesn’t require a radiator. This means, there will be free spaces that can be used for a variety of purposes. People can include their sofas, bookshelves against the wall as they prefer. This isn’t only beneficial in terms of living a cozy life but also in terms of scaling up the resale value of the house. When there will be a luxurious feeling inside the house, the price of the house will automatically hike up.
It’s More Hygienic
When using radiators for heating up the room, there are chances of gathering dust around the radiators. It’s pretty hard to clean these radiators frequently. Meanwhile, the dust circulates around the room and makes the air harmful to breathe. If there are children in the room, it’s extremely harmful to them. However, the underfloor heating system doesn’t require frequent cleanup. Anyone who is suffering from dust allergies must use an underfloor heating system in order to prevent any serious illness. Since the underfloor heating system keeps the environment too warm, it becomes difficult for the dust mites to creep in.