Five Tips for Designing Lenticular Business Cards

A business card is like a little freebie we get from colleagues that work in different businesses. While their primary purpose is to contain a person’s contact information, they can also be much more, visually. With various ideas that companies and individuals can work with, the possibilities are endless for how you want to display your information and grab interest.
With lenticular business cards, you can give your clients something extra in the form of a visual that they can keep and look at. This helps them keep your business fresh in their mind, as well as keep around your information rather than eventually throw your card away.
Lenticular designs can come in the form of business cards, posters, signs, t-shirts, advertisements, and more. With lenticular design, two or more images are interlaced with other another, so that when you move or bend the design, the design will change from one image to the next in a seamless manner. Even something as small as a card fit for a wallet is capable of displaying eye-popping 3D effects.
Lenticular business cards can be made to look very appealing, and despite their imagery and effects, they are not as expensive from a 3D lenticular printing service as you might think. When choosing designs for lenticular business cards, there are some restrictions that are in place due to the card’s small size, but that doesn’t mean there are fewer options for you to consider when thinking about what you want your card to display. Here are five great tips for lenticular business cards.
Motion v/s 3D
When considering your ideas for lenticular business cards, you should start with whether you want a motion design or 3D design. Motion design consists of elements for your business card moving or changing, whereas 3D design consists of elements that animate three-dimensionally. You can consider both moving and 3D objects in your design, but it may not turn out to be one of the smoothest of animations. It is a good idea to prioritize one over the other, though the better option ultimately depends on your business and what you want out of your design.
Choose Fewer Frames
Many businesses wish to include as many frames as possible for that flip book effect, but with lenticular business cards, it’s just not possible. What would happen is that your business card would be “ghosting” frames. This means that certain frames aren’t able to be seen correctly due to the limitations of the lenticular lens. When your lenticular business card has fewer frames, your frames will have enough space to clearly set themselves apart from others so that each frame can be seen clearly from many angles. Where are instances where ghosting can be helpful, if that is the effect that you are aiming for, but you will usually want fewer frames so that your card looks professional.
Change Colors Very Little
It is important that your lenticular design for your business card doesn’t explode with constant change in color and contrast. In order to make sure your design looks consistent from first to last frame, you will need to be sure the changes in color and contrast are steady all throughout. If you are looking for guidance with this point, we suggest keeping background elements light or dark, and keep foreground elements the opposite, to ensure the business card looks clean from any angle.
Choose Top to Bottom Tilting Over Left to Right
The sequence of images can be seen when you either move a lenticular design top to bottom or left to right. When you have the top to bottom lenticular lens, you’ll be able to see each frame more clearly. Using left to right tilting might seem like you have more space for additional frames, but there the angles simply aren’t big enough in order to see a clearer picture when tilting your business card left to right.
Have Text That Is 10 Points or Above
When working with business cards, you cannot afford to have small fonts and fine lines. Small fonts will be hard to see in a lenticular image, and fine lines will virtually be unnoticeable. With that said, you should try to make your fonts bigger, which is certainly a challenge as is with how much size you have, but it’s one that can still work using bold text and graphics. It also might be a good idea to have the contact information displayed across all frames rather than just a select number. This way, people can get your email or web address without holding the card in a certain way.
Lenticular business cards are great for giving animation to your company name and contact information. Consider lenticular business cards for you and your company today.
Author Bio:
Ashly William is a freelance writer, professional blogger, and social media enthusiast. As a regular contributor to various websites and publications, she has written around multiple niches like 3D lenticular printing service. No matter what, she loves writing and has garnered a lot of experience in the field. To get more insights, you can follow her on Facebook and Twitter.