Enjoying Good Old Camping

Who doesn’t love being outdoors under the blue-black sky with bright stars and a moon shining large and in charge like the night watchman? Bliss.
It’s the real version of the nature of perfect photography and we get front row seats.
Planning to take a road trip can be quite the adventure? It can be a nightmare if you are not organized, you know. This is why this handy guide https://maketimetoseetheworld.com/road-trip-packing-list/ will get the ball rolling for you and your stress-free vacation before you even begin.
How will you be traveling?
There are oh so many means of transport and travel in today’s times, some more cost-effective than others. Some less friendly to the environment. But to have the unique experience of this memory maker, the RV is the way forward.
What is an RV?
It is a vehicle that is used for recreational use, hence the name Recreational Vehicle. It can either be driven as is or hooked up to your vehicle as a trailer. Either way, it usually has living quarters accommodation for when you camp over at a site. RV Pioneers have some great advice for picking the right RV for you!
For the most part it is highly entertaining for the kids being in a ‘house on wheels’ essentially, but soon enough when the road trip soundtrack is playing, adults are bopping along and getting into the swing of things too.
Size does matter.
So, you know that you’ll be using an RV for this excursion, next to think about is what size will you be going for? There are small to medium types for us humble of travelers to the great hulk of a monster that requires its special license. These are like the ones that celebrities use when they are on set for a film.
There are important factors to consider regarding weight, weight distribution and the capacity of the vehicle, click here to see the ins and outs of the right choice for you, your family and the type of trip you have planned. Also, what you will feel comfortable with driving.
Tight Spaces and Keeping Them Clear.
If you are like me who gets claustrophobic easily and get mild panic attacks when in tight places, then being sorted and organized inside the RV is an absolute essential.
Space is limited as it is, having cookware or toiletries lying around where they aren’t supposed to be is enough to make anyone lose the plot. And tensions can soon rise.
However, never fear, the ultimate sort your life out for your trip hack guide is here. It has things you wouldn’t even think to pack never mind make a designated space for. Trust me, you’ll read it and by the end, you will be a guru on all things in its place.
Where to stop?
A few things to be clear about when planning your route and the sites you’ll be pulling into and staying in over the nights are:
- How long are you going to be in that particular area? If it’s just an overnight look maybe for something free or cheap. If its longer, perhaps look for a site that offers a few activities or extra amenities.
- What kind of RV style camper are you? Do you enjoy being in the thick of it, where the buzz is and not missing out on anything? Or are you more of a wallflower that just wants to chill and put his feet up in the sound of Mother Nature?
- Most importantly – Budget. Things can pop up unexpectantly sure but decide before you set off on the amount you are willing and comfortable to spend per night. And stick to your number. This will help choose different sites and make decisions easier, especially when everyone knows what’s the limit.
Life on the road can be such an exhilarating experience, you’ll soon get what everyone’s been talking about with their travels, no matter their mode of travel. You can join the club and become what they like to call a travel nomad. You can visit sites like The RV Nomad to look at reviews and delve into the other side.
Tick off that Bucket List.
Yes, there are ups and downs of being on the road non-stop, having to keep driving everywhere while trying to stay on budget, but those are small niggles compared to the joy you will feel. Being able to see such new wonderful places that most people only speak about hoping to do one day is pure happiness.
Then there are those photo opportunities that absolutely no one else is probably going to have. Each day brings its beauty and your family will never forget those times spent together.
If I can offer one personal tip – stock up on toilet paper. Nobody wants to have to do a quick pit stop and they have zero love to give.