Effective ways to cure arthritis

Effective ways to cure arthritis

Arthritis is a common condition in mostly old age people. When you age, your bones tend to lose the necessary lubricant which joins the bones together. In simple words, pain and inflammation in a joint are called arthritis. Arthritis is further divided into two main types.


  • Osteoarthritis – is common among people with a family history of this condition. It mostly affects people around the age of 40 or more. The cartilage joining of the joint is the most affected in this condition which causes stiffness in muscles. When the cartilage lining becomes thin then the tendons and ligaments have to put extra effort to keep the joints together. The hands, knees, hip, and spine are the most commonly affected joints.


  • Rheumatoid arthritis – in this condition, the immune system attacks the joints resulting in pain and swelling. The outer covering of the joint is hit by the immune system first. The joint shape is further disfigured leading to the breaking down of cartilage and bones.


  • Gout – when there is too much uric acid in the body, the joints start to swell up. Mostly the big toe is the worst affected part of the body which causes intense redness and swelling.




After a proper diagnosis, the type of arthritis can be determined. The most common symptoms are:


  • Joint pain
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation in joints
  • Weakness
  • Redness


Arthritis in children


Children can also be affected by this condition. When the bones and joints in children are inflamed then this condition is called juvenile idiopathic arthritis. It is better to detect and diagnose this condition in its early stage. Timely treatment can prevent the spread of inflammation to other limbs. Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs are mostly prescribed to children who are affected by this disease before the age of sixteen. DMARDs can be easily purchased from any online pharmacy with the consultation of your doctor. You can get coupons for prescription drugs from PricePro Pharmacy at discounted prices.


When to see a doctor


When you have done heavy weight lifting or any kind of strenuous physical activity and you feel pain in your limbs then you must take some time off from heavy tasks and take rest. Even after taking proper rest, if the pain does not go away then it is time to see your doctor. If the pain persists longer than a week then you must consult with your doctor. Sometimes, what we see as normal pain may turn out to be something serious.




The best way to manage arthritis is to keep yourself active throughout the day. You may not find exercise to be the best way to cure arthritis. If you adopt this habit of exercising daily in your early years then you can easily prevent this condition in your old age.


Exercise will:


  • Make your muscles stronger
  • Make joints flexible
  • Boost up your energy
  • Improve overall health
  • Release endorphins which are natural painkillers made by your body to treat any pain
  • Keep your body in a healthy shape.