Does Depression Cause Insomnia?

Does Depression Cause Insomnia?

Humans are sensitive creatures that suffer and feel sadness or happiness based on whatever that is going around them in their life. Today, the world is moving quickly, but with the pandemic on our heads, everyone is bound to stay home so that they can stay safe and keep their loved ones safe as well, but different people are dealing with it differently.


Many are suffering in silence, and the whole scenario can push them towards depression. Depression is a mental health condition that affects our thinking pattern and pollutes it with negative thoughts. Depression is ubiquitous among children, young adults, and older people. Everyone has a different set of reasons for which they fall into depression.


The reasons for depression can be a past trauma that you may have faced, disturbed childhood, abusive relationships, an accident, or rape. Many people that suffer from depression must talk to someone so that whatever that is bothering them can come out, and they feel at peace, but instead of doing this, they try out products such as weed edibles that help them relax.


What is Insomnia?


Insomnia is a sleeping disorder where it is hard for an individual to fall asleep and to stay asleep. An insomniac has a disturbed sleeping pattern, which means they have broken sleep. There are different reasons for insomnia, such as sleeping in odd hours, depression, anxiety, stress, or PTSD.


It is hard for a person who has insomnia to function normally the next day since less or no sleep has a massive impact on an individual’s life.


An insomniac can have trouble processing whatever information is being told to them. If they are a student, they can have trouble understanding their lectures, and most of all, their productivity is affected, which can become noticeable by other individuals. They can inform higher authorities about putting their career in danger.


Does depression cause insomnia?


Yes, depression does cause insomnia. There are many different effects of depression that can be seen in an insomniac. The biggest issue with a person suffering from depression and insomnia is that they are scared that nothing good will ever happen to them and whatever positive thoughts they have in their mind are replaced with negative thoughts.


Being depressed and insomniac has different cons that affect the life of a person that is suffering from them as their thinking pattern is not only negative but harmful. They can think about harming themselves. One of the many reasons for depression and insomnia is stress.


depression cause insomnia


For example, a person suffering from depression will be scared and stressed about everything, they can be noted about their marriage, they can be stressed about their studies, they can be stressed about an ill parent or they can just be stressed and scared about how nothing is going good in their life. The negative thinking pattern makes them pessimistic.


Being pessimistic, if something in their life is even good, they will find something terrible in it. Sleep deprivation stops their brain from working like an average person’s brain, and they need time to concentrate.


Depression can lead to severe episodes of anxiety attacks and panic attacks. To sleep, one requires some peace of mind where their brain shuts down, and they can rest, but if this is not happening, and then severe measures need to be taken.


How severe is insomnia?


Insomnia causes a person’s nervous system and their whole body to slow down. It is harder for them to perform the same activities that they used to play daily. Not sleeping well or having a broken sleeping pattern can force you to lose your appetite, you would want to stay away from others, you will be cranky, and you can become slow.


Insomnia is painful and harmful because it affects the physical and mental health of an individual. The problem is that many people think they will be able to handle whatever life throws at them when your thinking pattern is disturbed, it becomes harder and harder every day to ask for help, especially when you are an adult.


Your ego and pride can come in the way, as for many being insomniac or depressed is a sign of weakness. Insomnia can turn your life upside down because if with time nothing is being done, then things will get worse as resting is an essential part of the human body and is not done, one can have problems with adverse consequences where one may end up in the hospital too.


Can we treat insomnia and depression?


Insomnia and depression can be treated, but to treat insomnia, the root needs to be finished. First, that is depression. Many different meditations are introduced over the internet, and many online gurus would help you meditate and find peace, but that is temporary since the level of depression is unknown to them and you.


Another solution to treat depression is taking medication. Still, there can be two things that can then happen to an individual if they start taking medicine, they can either become addictive, or they can develop a tolerance for these medicines which means that one will have to increase their dose every time they visit their doctor.


Antidepressants are a temporary solution to depression, too, but they are mostly not recommended for the same reasons medicine should be avoided. To treat depression, one needs to catch the root. To capture the source, you need to talk.


When you are depressed, you have a negative thought pattern where your mind replies with a negative thought even when something good is happening, and that reduces the morale of a person.


Go and sit with your therapist and talk to them, bring out all the negative thoughts that keep you awake at night, and you will see that eventually, with time when your thought pattern is replaced with positive thoughts, things will begin to change. There are many different natural ways to deal with insomnia, such as counting sheep, yoga, light exercise, a balanced diet, and so much more.


Can we treat insomnia and depression


To help yourself, you can ask for help, and it is okay we all need help at some point in our life. Depression must be treated with love and care as they can do wonders. Everyone deserves a healthy, happy life, and if someone around you suffers from depression and insomnia, make sure to give them a hand so that they can climb out of the black pit of depression and live life to its fullest.


Author’s bio:


Samantha is an expert when it comes to providing remedies for physical and mental well-being. However, she is fond of writing regardless of what she writes about. She believes that she can influence people and their lives with her opinion and knowledge.